lundi 11 juillet 2011

Geilenfeld's supporters must call for official investigation by lawenforcement

Michael Geilenfeld and his supporters are 
grabbing the bull by the tail instead of by the horns. 

Those who are responsible for the care and protection of children don't make double talk and excuses. 

Responsible people don't call those who say they were abused "liars."

Responsible people take action.  

It rests upon the shoulders of trained law enforcement officials to investigate allegations of child sex abuse. 

The signers of the letter below must do everything they can to protect children by calling for an immediate investigation by the Haitian National Police, the FBI, ICE and United States Homeland Security of the child sex abuse allegations being brought against Michael Geilenfeld

Geilenfeld must leave Haiti during the investigation.

It is interesting to note that Jacky Asse, one of the signers of the letter, warns the new boys to "stay away from Michael (Geilenfeld)" because he will try to "touch you in your pants.'


St. JoSeph Family
St. Joseph'S Home For Boys ~ Wings of Hope ~ Trinity House Resurrection Dance Theater of Haiti ~ lekòl Sen Trinite

15 June 2011

For the past several months Michael Geilenfeld, the founder and executive director of the St. Joseph Family, and the St. Joseph Family itself, have been the victims of increasingly inflammatory attacks. These attacks have come in the form of internet postings questioning the safety of the children of the St. Joseph Family and allegations of abuse against Michael.

The St. Joseph Family strongly denies these charges and wants to reassure its friends and supporters that all charges and rumors are false and that the children of the St. Joseph Family, both past and present, were and are brought up in loving and supportive environments, free of any abuse.

The recent attacks against Michael were first based on abuse charges from 1990. Those charges were originally made by boys from St. Joseph's Home for Boys after they were coerced and manipulated by the people Michael left in charge of the home while he and several of the boys went on a dance theater tour of the United States. This period in the St. Joseph Family history is commonly referred to as the "coup" when the story of the St. Joseph Family is told and we have never sought to deny or cover up it happening.
At the time of the "coup" the charges of abuse were investigated by the Institut du Bien Etre Social et de Recherches (IBSER), the department of social services in Haiti, and all charges were found to be false. At that time Michael was cleared of all wrong-doing by the Haitian government and allowed to continue the mission of St. Joseph's. For the past 26 years, the St. Joseph Family has an on-going relationship with IBSER, with all three of the homes licensed and monitored on a regular basis by the agency. IBSER regularly visits the homes for inspections and interviews the children. Many of the children of the St. Joseph Family came to us at the request and referral of IBSER, evidence that they believe in the integrity of the St. Joseph Family and the safety of our homes. The IBSER is aware of the resurfacing of the charges against Michael and the St. Joseph Family and are supportive of our mission and of Michael personally.

Also at the time of the "coup" there was an investigation of Michael and St. Joseph's by the American Embassy and no charges were ever filed against Michael as a result of that investigation.

Because the history of the "coup" is documented and the fact that it happened is acknowledged by the St. Joseph Family and outside organizations, people seeking to make new charges for their own personal gain use the same or similar stories of abuse to try and seem credible. Charges of abuse, especially sexual abuse, are sensational and those seeking to manipulate or seek personal gain will use them to get attention and destroy reputations without hav- ing any proof. We also know of instances of our detractors offering money to current and former residents, and to other organizations, to create false charges against us to further their own agendas.

We believe the new charges against Michael and the St. Joseph Family are based on two things. First of all, the St. Joseph Family has always had its share of detractors. People, for whatever reasons of their own, who questioned the integrity of the mission and of the people responsible for creating and leading the St. Joseph Family. We don't know why they cannot see the good being done by the St. Joseph Family or why they seek to destroy the St. Joseph Family, but we accept that they exist and will look for any excuse to start rumors or make trouble where they can. We believe such actions by those detractors are instigated by the devil and creates a spiritual warfare. We pray for our de- tractors that God will change their hearts, and we pray for our supporters that they are protected from embracing such negativity.

The second reason that the charges of abuse come about is based on the history of the population that the St. JoSeph Family Board oF directorS luckner "maya" Fond-rose, chairman ~ Jacky asse, Vice-chairman ~ Bill Nathan ~ melchi petit-homme ~ Walnes cangas michael Geilenfeld ~ renee dietrich, SecretaryJoseph Family serves. The St. Joseph Family is made up primarily of children who spent part of their childhoods on the street and/or children who were child slaves. In those situations they had to lie and manipulate in order to sur- vive. These tactics and habits, ingrained in their very beings, are hard to break, even after years in the supportive envi- ronment of the St. Joseph Family, and even as they matured into adulthood. They know simply making charges of abuse will get them attention and help them manipulate otherwise well-meaning people to giving them what they want — whether it be money, power, the ability to live in the United States, or something else.

The St. Joseph Family recognizes the fact that many of the children in its care were often physically, psycholog- ically, emotionally and sexually abused prior to becoming a part of the St. Joseph Family. These are experiences that most people cannot imagine and have difficulty accepting. We abhor this reality and do everything in our power to help the children in our care to heal from past wounds, both physical and psychological. It is also paramount to the St. Joseph Family that once they become residents of one of our homes, that they live in safe and supportive environ- ments. Negative treatment in any form against the children is not tolerated by any member of the staff, leadership or guests. Any instances of abuse in any form, perpetrated by any individual on a child in the care of the St. Joseph Fam- ily, are dealt with swiftly and severely.

The St. Joseph Family also recognizes that when children with a history of abuse find themselves in a safe place, they often are finally able to acknowledge internally and externally their past abuse, however how that takes place is often not in truthful and accurate ways. Children with histories of abuse often accuse people in their lives they feel safe with of abuse, abuse that was actually committed by others, because that is the only way they feel safe ac- knowledging their past experiences. The unfortunate thing is that because of their circumstances prior to joining the St. Joseph Family, many of the children did, in fact, experience abuse, so their stories are horrific and detailed and sound credible. However, the details of who the true abusers were and the specific circumstances of abuse are not accurate, but changed to suit their accusations.

The St. Joseph Family has detailed child health and safety policies we follow in the care of our children and running of our homes. Besides regular inspections of our homes by IBSER, we also host hundreds of guests in our homes each year, many of whom are mandated reporters of child abuse in their home countries — teachers, doctors, therapists, clergy, etc. — and many of those guests visit us several times a year and follow the progress of the children. These individuals are trained in the detection of abuse and are encouraged by the St. Joseph Family to share any obser- vations of questionable behavior or suspicions of abuse to the St. Joseph Family leadership. We have never had anyone with that background and expertise bring forth credible charges of abuse; and, in fact, have been told over and over again by such individuals what open, loving, supportive and healthy environments the homes of the St. Joseph Family are and have been complimented for the manner of respect and dignity they children are treated with by all members of the leadership and staff.

Because of the unregulated world of the internet, anyone can make charges about anything and by the simple fact that they are posted online, those charges can seem credible. However, we caution people to not believe every- thing you read online. False accusations exist and can be hurtful and damaging; and impossible to retract once they are on the internet. We welcome anyone seeking the truth to come to Haiti, talk to us, see our homes, experience the St. Joseph Family, talk to our supporters. In doing that you will see for yourselves what the truth is, and when you do we pray you have the courage to stand with us and live that truth in the face of these storms.

Peace and Blessings,

Luckner "Maya" Fond-Rose, Chairman SJF Board of Directors ~ Lead Servant for Mission Advancement for the SJF 
Jacky Asse, Vice-Chairman SJF Board of Directors ~ Director of Wings of Hope 
Bill Nathan, Member SJF Board of Directors ~ Director of St. Joseph's Home for Boys 
Melchi Petit-Homme, Member SJF Board of Directors ~ Director of Trinity House
Walnes Cangas, Member SJF Board of Directors ~ Assistant Director of St. Joseph's Home for Boys 
Michael Geilenfeld, Member SJF Board of Directors ~ Founder and Executive Director of the SJF 
Renee Dietrich, Secretary SJF Board of Directors ~ Communications and Development for the SJF
"La vraie reconstruction d'Haïti passe par des réformes en profondeur des structures de l'État pour restaurer la confiance, encourager les investisseurs et mettre le peuple au travail. Il faut finir avec cette approche d'un État paternaliste qui tout en refusant de créer le cadre approprié pour le développement des entreprises mendie des millions sur la scène internationale en exhibant la misère du peuple." Cyrus Sibert
Reconstruction d'Haïti : A quand les Réformes structurelles?
Haïti : La continuité du système colonial d'exploitation  prend la forme de monopole au 21e Siècle.

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