mardi 2 décembre 2008

Britain eyes Haiti as a possible terrorist base

Although it pointed to Haiti as a "pressure point", the reports said that the huge concentration of weak states that poses a threat to Britain's national security is in sub-Saharan Africa.
Although it pointed to Haiti as a "pressure point", the reports said that the huge concentration of weak states that poses a threat to Britain's national security is in sub-Saharan Africa.
LONDON, England, December 1, 2008 - Haiti has been identified as among the weak states which could provide a base for terrorists.

In its 'Shared Destinies: Security in a globalised world' report the Security Commission of United Kingdom think tank, the Institute for Public Policy Research, named the Caribbean country among 27 weak states that pose a threat to Britain's national security as they could provide bases for terrorist training camps and raise funds undetected. It said that terrorists who raise funds in these states could then coordinate an attack on Britain.

The recently released document co-authored by former NATO chief George Robertson ranked Haiti number 14 in its index of failed states.

"If these states can be lifted out of conflict or kept from falling into it...this could be an immense contribution to international peace, stability and prosperity," the report said. "If, on the other hand, they cannot achieve this status and are allowed to deteriorate further, they are likely to become increasingly vulnerable to instability, conflict and state failure."

It added that these "weak, corrupt and failing states have become bigger security risks than strong states" and will remain a highly visible feature of the security landscape for decades to come.

But although it pointed to Haiti as a "pressure point", the reports said that the huge concentration of weak states that poses a threat to Britain's national security is in sub-Saharan Africa.

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