samedi 13 mars 2010

PAUL KENDRICK and KONBIT SANTE on Child sex abuse at Cap-Haitian.

March 12, 2010

Hugh Tozier
Chairman of the Board
Konbit Sante
Portland, Maine
Cap Haitien, Haiti

Dear Hugh,

Thank you for taking time to respond to our concerns.

First, let me be very clear with you, as you were with me, about that which you define as my "accusatory correspondence."

Please know that I do not need to ask myself why you and others have not responded to my correspondence. I already know the answer. Allow me to explain.

It is a fact that Konbit Sante founder, Dr. Michael Taylor, did not support our efforts to warn the Port au Prince community about Ron Voss, a former Catholic priest and admitted child molester. In fact, Taylor allowed himself to be influenced by Theresa Patterson, Director of the U.S. based Parish Twinning Program and Voss's close friend and employer.

For almost 15 years, Patterson helped Voss reestablish himself in a third world country where children are even more vulnerable to child sex abuse due to a lack of law enforcement and an inadequate child welfare system.

Protecting children from child sex abuse is about risk assessment, Hugh.
It is obvious that Taylor was more interested in maintaining a good relationship with Patterson than he was interested in protecting children from a serial child molester like Voss.

It is also a fact that Konbit Sante's Executive Director, Nate Nickerson, refused to support efforts to keep alleged child molester, Douglas Perlitz, in prison pending his trial. U.S. Investigative agencies presented evidence that Perlitz would continue to threaten and intimidate the boys he abused in Haiti if he was released on bond.

Nickerson never lifted a finger to help protect these kids. Instead, he relied on his close friendship with Nick Preneta and Jessica Lozier, both of whom had previously signed a letter to donors in which they and nine other individuals defended Perlitz and called the victims' liars.

Not once did Nickerson contact me or others to ask for more detailed information about our concerns.

Instead, he spoke about his own misguided sense of due process which had absolutely nothing to do with protecting children from Perlutz until all the evidence and testimony had been examined by a jury.

By the way, Nickerson's pal, Jessica Lozier, helped transport some of the boys to meet with Perlitz in the Dominican Republic during the time that there was a warrant for Perlitz's arrest in Haiti for child sex abuse. Perlitz sexually abused the boys in Santo Domingo.

These are facts, Hugh. They are not, as you state, "accusations of guilt by association, insinuations and threats."

If either Dr. Taylor or Mr. Nickerson disagrees with these facts, then I am more than happy to meet with them face to face.

You and your colleagues need to stop playing the victim. The real victims are the poor, homeless street kids who were raped and sodomized by Douglas Perlitz.

It is disturbing (and reckless) that, in your letter, you imply that your group's willingness to help the children in Cap Haitien who have experienced the trauma of child sex abuse is somehow dependent upon your goodwill towards me.

Huh? You can't be serious.

In your letter you stated, "You have only alienated us from your cause and could damage our ability to help others in Cap Haitien."

Whoa! Since when is providing medical treatment to assist children in their recovery from the harms and injuries inflicted upon them as a result of their sexual abuse "my cause?"

Why is it not, "our cause," Hugh, especially in a country where child abuse is epidemic?

Listen, Hugh, all that we've asked of your group is for qualified members of your team to provide help to the large number of boys who were sexually abused. It's a local crisis. You are already established in Cap Haitien. It makes sense.

Ours seems like such a simple request.

For example, we wrote to Konbit Sante volunteer and psychiatrist, Dr. Ralph Saintfort, while he was in Cap Haitien a few weeks ago. Saintfort didn't even provide us with the courtesy of a reply.

What kind of nonsense is that, Hugh? Our request was not frivolous. We asked Saintfort to help provide assistance to living, breathing children who have been seriously injured.

I am also curious as to why you think I am so powerful that I could damage your "ability to help others in Cap Haitien?"

If your refusal to help care for child sex abuse victims in Cap Haitien damages your ability to help others there, why is that my fault? I think you are beginning to engage in a bit of mild histrionics, Hugh.

And yes, thank you, we will indeed continue moving forward with our awareness efforts in Haiti and, yes, I will continue to ask you why Konbit Sante refuses to provide direct assistance to the victims of child sex abuse.

During my recent visit to Cap Haitien, I spoke with Dr. Jean-Gracia COQ and other community leaders about the child sex abuse crisis in Haiti. Our group members hope to work with community, school and Justinian Hospital officials in establishing policies, procedures and systems to educate and create awareness about child abuse.

I am urging Project Pierre Toussaint's board of directors to reopen the school by making it a shining example of best practices regarding the protection of children.

Protecting children from sexual abuse is never easy, Hugh. My experience is such that I have found that nothing works, but everything works. We will take one day and one step at a time.

I will return to Cap Haitien soon. I hope you will say hello.

Paul Kendrick

PS I am always available to meet with
you or anyone else to discuss the issues I have raised.

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