mardi 12 novembre 2013

Un jeune haïtien parmi les grands de la Finance Mondiale.

Un ancien étudiant de l'UNDH (Administration) et de l'INUJED (Droit), deux Ecoles supérieures de Cap-Haïtien, vient de publier en partenariat avec Dr Ike Mathur, the Editor of the Journal of Banking & Finance, une analyse scientifique en finance, dans la prestigieuse revue scientifique "International Review of Financial Analysis". Isaac Marcelin, Docteur en Finance, est originaire de la commune La Victoire. Il est un boursier du Programme Fulbright et actuellement professeur à Maryland (USA). 

Le tire du texte:
Financial development, institutions and banks---

This paper presents a framework for understanding the interactions between political and legal institutions, property rights protection, and their implications for financial development. Whereas the literature has answered questions on why some countries lag behind in terms of financial and economic development, the current study suggests how to get around some institutional attributes to spearhead financial intermediation and economic growth through a set of institutional, information, and banking reforms. It finds little support that common law legal heritage is more suitable than French civil law for some key features of financial development. It concludes that types of institutional and market reforms are more relevant to financial intermediation than legal systems. It proposes some ways forward to increase financial intermediation; and expects, over the long run, the proposed approach to financial development to be beneficial for a number of developing countries.

Political institutions;
Law and finance;
Property and contracting rights;
Financial development and intermediation;
Power of creditor


But you can't fool all the people all the time.""You can fool some people sometimes, 
 (Vous pouvez tromper quelques personnes, parfois,Mais vous ne pouvez pas tromper tout le monde tout le temps.) dixit Abraham Lincoln.

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