vendredi 6 novembre 2009

Child Sex Abuse in Haiti

November 6, 2009

Nate Nickerson
Executive Director
Konbit Sante
Portland, Maine

Dear Nate,

I am disappointed that you did not respond to my request for Konbit
Sante to send a letter to the judge asking that Douglas Perlitz not be released on bond.

I can only hope that your concerns for the protection of children in the United States and Haiti prompted you to write to the judge.

As such, I am interested in learning what measures Konbit Sante has employed at Justinian Hospital to treat and prevent child sex abuse.

Shortly, I will forward you a list of questions. I would appreciate your advice and suggestions regarding this issue.

The recent arrest of Douglas Perlitz, executive director of Project Pierre Toussaint, is hardly an isolated incident. Sadly, we have learned that some of Perlitz's victims in Cap Haitian were hospitalized for rectal bleeding as a result of their rape by Perlitz.

In conclusion, I can't help but notice that you have not responded to my recent letters.

Please let me know if I am doing something wrong or am somehow offending your medical group by asking for help to protect children in Haiti from child sex abuse.

An Ursuline nun in Maine once wrote, "The sexual abuse of a child is a non-erasable fact that affects the healthy lives of young and old, poor and rich, successful and not successful."

I appreciate your help.

Paul Kendrick
Freeport, Maine
207 838 1319

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