République d'Haïti Délégation du Nord PROTOCOLE DES FUNERAILLES OFFICIELLES DU MAESTRO HULRIC PIERRE-LOUIS FONDATEUR DE L'ORCHESTRE SEPTEMTRIONAL DECEDE LE 02 SEPTEMBRE 2009 *********************************** Cap-Haitien, les 18 et 19 septembre 2009 I. Jeudi 17 septembre 2009 Feu Vert Night Club 19 h 00 : Veillée Funèbre en mémoire du Maestro Hulric Pierre-Louis - Salutations aux Familles du défunt 22 h 00 : Fin de la Veillée II. Vendredi 18 Septembre 2009 Place de la Cathédrale 19 : 00 Veillée culturelle en l'honneur du Maestro Hulric Pierre-Louis III. Samedi 19 septembre 2009 Mairie du Cap-Haïtien 7 h 00 A..M. : La Fanfare prend place au devant la Mairie - Exposition de la dépouille mortelle du Maestro Hulric Pierre-Louis - Le cercueil est recouvert du Drapeau National - Arrivée des Représentants de la Presse 7h 10 : Arrivée à la Mairie du Cap-Haïtien : De la Famille Pierre-Louis Des Parents du défunt Des Membres du Groupe Septentrional 7 h 20 : Arrivée à la Mairie du Cap-Haïtien : Des Amis du défunt Des Officiels du département du Nord Des Représentants du Pouvoir Judiciaire Des Parlementaires du Nord Des Députés du Bloc Parlementaire du Nord Des Sénateurs du Nord Du Délégué Départemental du Nord Du Ministre de la Culture et de la Communication 8 h 00 : Arrivée du Représentant du Président de la République · Salutations Funèbres 8 h 20 : Cérémonie Civile Discours du Représentant de la plus ancienne Association du Nord - Association Sportive Capoise Discours d'un Représentant de l'Orchestre Septentrional Discours du Maire du Cap-Haïtien au nom de la Municipalité 8 h 40 : Discours du Ministre de la Culture et de la Communication au nom de l'Exécutif 8 h 45 : Fin de la cérémonie civile Salutations du Représentant du Président de la République à la Famille du Défunt puis il se dirige vers la Cathédrale · Les Officiels laissent la Mairie pour aller prendre place à la Cathédrale du Cap-Haitien 8 h 55 : Fermeture du cercueil et Levée du Corps La Levée du Corps est assurée par des Policiers de la PNH Les Membres de la Famille Pierre-Louis suivent le cercueil pour recevoir les Honneurs à la sortie de la Mairie du Cap-Haïtien. · Sonnerie aux Morts
9 h 00 : Arrivée du convoi funèbre La dépouille est accueillie à l'entrée de la Cathédrale par le Curé : Cérémonie Religieuse 10 h15 : Fin de la cérémonie Religieuse A l'issue de la Cérémonie Religieuse, les honneurs funèbres sont rendus à la dépouille à la sortie de la Cathédrale · Départ des Officiels pour le Parc du Repos · Tournée du convoi dans la Cité Capoise
13 h 00 : Arrivée des Officiels au Parc du Repos · Arrivée du convoi funèbre · Formation du cortège funèbre : - Le Cercueil, les Parents, les Officiels, les Amis · Sonnerie aux Morts à l'entrée du Cimetière (le cercueil porté par des Policiers de la PNH) · Retrait du Drapeau National au devant de la tombe · Remise du Drapeau replié à la famille Pierre-Louis · Inhumation · Salutations d'Usage 13 h 30 : Départ du Parc du Repos Fin des Funérailles Officielles du Maestro Hulric Pierre-Louis, Fondateur de l'Orchestre Septentrional Tenue de Ville Sombre Protocole de la Délégation Départementale du Nord |
vendredi 18 septembre 2009
Protocole des Funerailles du Maestro Hulric PIERRE-LOUIS!
"I found many children who told me the situation at the project," Sibert told CNN
Man who set up home for kids in Haiti charged with sexual abuse
Updated 1 hour, 7 minutes ago
By Mariano Castillo
(CNN) -- An American who founded a home for needy children in Haiti more than 10 years ago has been accused of sexually abusing some of the same boys he set out to help, the U.S. Department of Justice announced Thursday.
Douglas Perlitz, 39, who was indicted this week by a grand jury in Fairfield County, Connecticut, faces 10 counts related to the sexual abuse of nine boys for about a decade, the Justice Department said.
Seven of those counts are for traveling outside of the United States with the intent to have sex with minors, and three counts are for engaging in sexual conduct with minors in a foreign place, according to the indictment.
Perlitz was arrested Wednesday morning at his home in Colorado, but he had lived for years in Haiti, the Justice Department said in a news release. The Haiti Fund Inc., the nonprofit fundraising arm of his project, was incorporated in Connecticut, where Perlitz had attended Fairfield University.
A U.S. magistrate ordered Perlitz detained pending a federal court hearing Friday in Denver. Perlitz was in custody Thursday, and it was not clear whether he had retained an attorney. Don't Miss
The Justice Department said Perlitz used his position as director of the Project Pierre Toussaint in Haiti to manipulate and abuse the boys.
He allegedly enticed the nine boys with promises of food and shelter and with gifts such as cell phones and cash, the indictment states.
If convicted, Perlitz faces a maximum of 30 years in prison and fine of $2.5 million, according to the department.
Haiti's abject poverty, threadbare social-service network and barely functioning legal system combine to make the country's street kids particularly vulnerable to exploitation.
Despite its lush tropical setting, the country is the poorest in the Western Hemisphere and has the highest rates of mortality among infants and children under five years of age. One-third of Haitian children under five suffer chronic malnutrition, according to United Nations statistics; just over half of school-age kids are enrolled in schools.
With the state unable to alleviate those ills, private foreign charities work hard to fill the void.
Perlitz -- and his Project Pierre Toussaint -- were seen as bright young examples of how outside agencies could make a difference in the lives of destitute Haitian children, offering food, education and sanctuary from the perilous life on the streets. In 2002, Fairfield University, Perlitz's alma mater, honored his efforts by making him its commencement speaker.
One volunteer who traveled twice to Project Pierre Toussaint to run a soccer and basketball camp there said the charges against Perlitz were shocking.
"I don't believe one ounce of it." Matt Pawlick of Miami, Florida, told CNN. "He had a passion and love to help those kids grow."
According to the indictment, Perlitz first traveled to Haiti as a student at Fairfield University and became inspired to build a school there.
In 1997, he received a grant from the Roman Catholic Order of Malta to start a center to help street children, which grew into a boarding school for boys that provided meals, sports activities and classroom instruction, the indictment states. The school was in Cap-Haitien, Haiti.
Once the Haiti Fund was created, it raised more than $2 million between 2002 and 2008, funds that were transferred to Perlitz to run the project, the indictment said.
According to the court document, Perlitz would take some of the minors to a restaurant, give them food and alcohol and then encourage them to spend the night with him.
The indictment alleges that Perlitz showed homosexual pornography to some of the youths as well.
In 2007, Haitian journalist Cyrus Sibert was the first to report about rumors of sexual abuse at the school.
"I found many children who told me the situation at the project," Sibert told CNN, referring to the allegations.
His reports spurred investigations by Haitian authorities as well as by the board of directors of the Haiti Fund.
The indictment alleges that "Perlitz used his relationship with a religious leader and influential board members to continue to conceal, and attempt to conceal, illegal sexual conduct," in one instance by barring investigators from entering his room, and by helping remove two computers that were locked in a safe.
As attention over the allegations grew, the board ultimately dismissed Perlitz in 2008, Paul Kendrick, an advocate for victims of abuse by clergy familiar with the case, told CNN.
Kendrick, a fellow Fairfield University graduate who met Perlitz during a visit to Haiti, said the removal proved controversial among the backers of Project Pierre Toussaint.
By early 2009, the school was closed, Sibert said.
Board members referred questions from CNN to an attorney, who was not immediately available. |
jeudi 17 septembre 2009
Funerailles Officielles du Maestro Hulric PIERRE-LOUIS, Co-Fondateur de l'Orchestre Septentrional!
Le Délégué départemental du Nord informe la population en général et tous les intéressés, en particulier, qu'a l'occasion des Funérailles Officielles du Maestro Hulric PIERRE-LOUIS, Co-Fondateur de l'Orchestre Septentrional, les vendredi 18 et samedi 19 septembre 2009 sont déclarés jours de deuil en mémoire de l'illustre disparu.
En conséquence, les drapeaux seront mis en berne et les stations de radio et de télévision diffuseront de la musique appropriée.
Il est à noter que toutes les autres activités se dérouleront normalement pendant toute la journée du Vendredi.
Le Délégué départemental du Nord saisit l'occasion pour présenter ses sincères condoléances aux Parents et amis du défunt.
Cap-Haïtien, ce 15 septembre 2009.
Georgemain PROPHÈTE
Délégué départemental du Nord
OTTAWA, le 12 août 2009 - L'Agence canadienne d'inspection des aliments (ACIA) avise la population de ne pas consommer le produit Pur Mamba (beurre d'arachides-piment) de la marque Pidy décrit ci-dessous parce que ce produit pourrait être contaminé par l'aflatoxine. Le produit Pur Mamba (beurre d'arachides-piment) de la marque Pidy, fabriqué à Haïti, est vendu dans un contenant de plastique d'une (1) livre et porte le code CUP 0 00000 71726 7. Le produit visé a été distribué au Québec. Aucun cas de maladie associé à la consommation de ce produit n=a été signalé. Les aflatoxines constituent un groupe de composés toxiques produits par certaines souches de moisissures. L'aflatoxine est considérée comme étant cancérigène pour l'homme. La consommation de produits contenant de l'aflatoxine peut entraîner de graves conséquences pour la santé, entre autre des dommages au foie, et peut même s'avérer fatale. L'importateur retire volontairement du marché le produit visé. L'ACIA surveille l'efficacité du rappel. Pour de plus amples renseignements, les consommateurs et les gens de l'industrie peuvent appeler l'ACIA au 1-800-442-2342/ATS 1-800-465-7735, du lundi au vendredi de 8 h à 20 h (heure de l'Est). Pour savoir comment recevoir les rappels par courrier électronique ou pour obtenir d'autres renseignements sur la salubrité des aliments, visitez notre site Web à l'adresse www.inspection.gc.ca.
- 30 - Questions des médias : Les Relations avec les médias 613-773-6600 http://www.inspection.gc.ca/francais/corpaffr/recarapp/2009/20090812f.shtml |
Arrestation de l’Américain accusé de pédophilie par des enfants de rue de Cap-Haitien
Par Cyrus Sibert Radio Souvenir FM, 106.1 : souvenirfm@yahoo.fr Réseau Citadelle salue l'arrestation de Douglas Perlitz. Il remercie tous ceux qui ont contribué à l'avancement de l'enquête. En poursuivant l'enquête, la justice américaine prouve qu'elle est guidée par des valeurs morales, dont les principes de respects des droits de la personne particulièrement les enfants. Nous saluons le support de la Police Nationale d'Haïti qui, sous le commandement de Mario Andrésol, avait pris au sérieux cette situation de pédophilie au Cap-Haitien pour au moins envoyer dans le Nord d'Haïti une équipe évaluer l'état de la situation. L'encadrement de la MINUSTAH aux policiers du BPM (Brigade Pour la Protection des Mineurs) était utile. Nous sommes témoins du travail du policier des nations Unies (UNPOL), le Canadien Gilles Saindon. Aujourd'hui le Projet Pierre Toussaint ne fonctionne plus. Les enfants sont abandonnés à eux-mêmes. Les ONG et l'Etat n'ont rien fait pour les aider et démontrer qu'un enfant ne peut pas être puni du fait d'avoir le courage de dénoncer les abus dont il est victime. Les enfants de rue de la ville du Cap-Haitien ne comptent pas pour ceux qui collectent des fonds au nom des enfants. Avec ce dossier, Nous avons démontré que le courage peut faire des miracles. Nous rappelons pour l'histoire avoir lancé seul ce dossier malgré les pressions et intimidations auxquels nous faisions face. Des employés de Radio Kontak Inter n'avaient pas ménagé leur soutien. Sans ressources, grâce aux avantages de ce nouveau moyen de communication qu'on appelle Internet, nous avions engagé le combat et contribué à mettre un terme à l'exploitation sexuelle des petits garçons de rue de la ville du Cap-Haitien. Aujourd'hui en les regardant maigrir et expulser du système scolaire, nous avons un sentiment de culpabilité. Mais tout de suite nous nous sommes ressaisis en disant que le combat pour la liberté est la cause la plus noble. Les difficultés temporelles ne peuvent nous amener à regretter une cause noble. Ce n'est qu'un début. Il y a sans doute d'autres cas à traiter, avec ou sans moyens, notre courage aidant. Cyrus Sibert Journaliste Cap-Haitien, Haiti http://www.reseaucitadelle.blogspot.com/ PS: Pour plus d'infrmation sur la situation de l'accusé par devant la justice americaine: Grand Jury Document __________________________________________________ Fairfield U. alum, honoree charged with sex abuse of Haitian boysBy Michael P. Mayko STAFF WRITER Updated: 09/17/2009 05:25:35 PM EDT In one life, Douglas Perlitz was an honored Fairfield University graduate and commencement speaker whose missionary work with Haitian street children was commended as an "inspiration to people of all ages." In his other life, Perlitz sexually abused at least nine of the Haitian boys he was helping. That's what a federal grand jury charges in a 10-count indictment returned against Perlitz, 39, a Fairfield resident. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents arrested Perlitz at a home in Eagle, Col., early Wednesday. He is being detained in Denver, pending a hearing Friday before U.S. Magistrate Judge Boyd N. Boland. The indictment returned by a federal grand jury in Bridgeport charges Perlitz with seven counts of traveling outside the U.S. for the purpose of engaging in sex with minors and three counts of engaging in sexual conduct in foreign places with minors. Each of the charges carries a maximum 30-year prison term and $250,000 fine. Perlitz is expected to be brought to Connecticut to face the charges before U.S. District Judge Janet Bond Arterton in New Haven. In 1997, with a grant from the Order of Malta, a Catholic religious organization, Perlitz established Project Pierre Toussaint in Cap-Haitien, Haiti, which provided schooling, recreation, meals and baths to street boys, as young as 6 years old. The program grew from an intake center to a residential facility called the Village two years later. By 2007, another building called the 14th Street Facility was established as a residential program for high school-age students who Perlitz claimed "needed extra attention." The indictment alleges that Perlitz used food, shelter, money and gifts -- including cell phones, Walkmen, clothes and other inducements -- to convince disadvantaged children to engage in sexual acts with him. He also withheld these gifts from those who refused to engage in sex, according to the indictment. In one instance, Perlitz allegedly told a child he could remain in the program even if he failed his classes if he agreed to have sex. U.S. Attorney Nora Dannehy said the investigation, which began in February, is continuing with the help of Haitian authorities, including the national police. She asked that anyone with information regarding the case to contact the ICE office at 203-773-2029. Perlitz worked with the Rev. Paul Carrier, who had served as Fairfield University's director of campus ministry and community service. Carrier frequently traveled to Haiti in support of Perlitz's work. In 2006, it was announced by the Jesuits' New England provincial that he would take a one-year sabbatical in preparation for a new assignment. It is believed that Carrier helped create the Haiti Fund Inc. in 1999, which raised more than $2 million between 2002 and 2008 for Perlitz's programs. Carrier has not been charged with any crime. The indictment and arrest of Perlitz caught Fairfield University off guard. "We had no prior knowledge of it," said Rama Sudhakar, vice president of marketing. "There is no real comment to be made. All we can do is give you some facts." Perlitz, a 1992 Fairfield University graduate, first visited Haiti during his junior year on a campus ministry mission volunteer trip. He returned five years later after earning a master's degree in theology at Boston College to work as a pastoral minister at Sacre Coeur Hospital in Milot, Haiti. At the time, the Rev. Aloysius P. Kelley, then president of Fairfield University, called Perlitz's work extraordinary and an inspiration to people of all ages. Sudhakar said the university has had no role in the Haitian school, although several staff members, including Carrier, visited the school often, sometimes with university students. The school awarded Perlitz an honorary degree in 2002. Three years later, Perlitz was honored at a Fairfield University dinner award and was commencement speaker. ______________________________ Douglas Perlitz charged with sexually abusing children in Haiti. September 17th, 2009 - 11:49 pm ICT by BNO News - Nora R. Dannehy, United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, and John T. Morton, Assistant Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, today announced that a federal grand jury sitting in Bridgeport has returned an Indictment charging a former Fairfield County, Connecticut resident with sexually abusing several boys in Haiti for approximately a decade. Douglas Perlitz, 39, a resident of Colorado, has been charged with seven counts of traveling outside of the United States with the intent to engage in sexual conduct with individuals under the age of 18, and three counts of engaging in sexual conduct in foreign places with persons under the age of 18. Perlitz was the founder and director of Project Pierre Toussaint, a boys school in Cap-Haitien, Haiti. The Indictment was returned on September 15. On the morning of September 16, Perlitz was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents at his home in Eagle, Colorado. Following his arrest, he appeared before United States Magistrate Judge Boyd N. Boland in Denver and has been detained pending a detention hearing that is scheduled for September 18 in Denver. "This defendant is alleged to have used his position of power to manipulate and sexually abuse vulnerable boys for nearly a decade," U.S. Attorney Dannehy stated. "I want to acknowledge the diligent work of ICE, the agents involved in the investigation, and members of the State Department assigned to our Embassy in Haiti. This case would not have been brought without their coordinated efforts, the resources they have devoted, and their commitment to seeing that justice is done." "Sex tourism victims are particularly vulnerable to predators who lure them with promises of the most basic of human needs then rob them of their innocence," said Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for ICE Morton. "There will be no refuge for child sexual predators who believe that they may victimize children outside the United States. No place is too distant or too remote to escape the attention of U.S. law enforcement." The Indictment alleges that, in approximately 1997, Perlitz, obtained funding from a religious organization to found Project Pierre Toussaint ("PPT"). Initially, PPT began as an intake center referred to as the 13th Street Intake Program. PPT provided services to children of all ages, most of whom were street children as young as six years of age. The services provided for the children included meals, sport activity, basic classroom instruction, and access to running water for baths. The staff of the intake center included American volunteers who received a small stipend for their work as well as Haitians who were involved with a variety of day to day operations including teaching, cooking, and driving. PPT continued to expand and, in approximately 1999, a residential facility, Village Pierre Toussaint (referred to as the "Village"), was added. The Village was staffed primarily by Haitians, but Perlitz was directly involved with the Village. The Indictment further alleges that, in approximately 2007, the 14th Street facility was established, which was a residential program for high-school age children who Perlitz claimed needed extra attention. Perlitz individually chose all of the children who resided at the 14th Street facility, which was a home where adults cared for them. At the 14th Street facility, children were provided with tutors, special cooking arrangements, high-end electronics, and other amenities. In Haiti, Perlitz resided in the lower floor of a two-story house, referred to as "Bel Air." American volunteers lived on the second floor of the house. The Indictment further alleges that The Haiti Fund, Inc. was incorporated as a charitable, religious and educational organization in Connecticut, and operated as the fund-raising arm of PPT. The Haiti Fund raised large sums of money through the efforts of a religious leader who asked parishioners for contributions as well as Board Members who regularly attended dinners, cocktail parties, and other events to raise funds for PPT. Funds that were raised on behalf of PPT were transferred to an account in Haiti that Perlitz controlled. Between 2002 and 2008, approximately $2 million was transferred from the Haiti Fund to Perlitz in Haiti. The Indictment alleges that, over the course of several years, Perlitz had illicit sexual contact with nine boys who attended school at PPT. In order to entice and persuade the children to comply with the sex acts, Perlitz provided the promise of food and shelter and also provided monetary and other benefits, including cash, cell phones, electronics, shoes, clothes, and other items. If minors refused to engage in sex acts, it is alleged that Perlitz would at times withhold benefits or threaten to expel them from the program. The Indictment alleges that, when Perlitz was questioned by others as to why he permitted minors to sleep in his room at Bel Air, Perlitz attempted to conceal his sexual abuse of the minors by stating that it was common in Haiti for children and adults to sleep together, or he would state that the particular minor was having a lot of difficulty. The Indictment alleges that Perlitz took steps to control and manipulate the Board of Directors of the Haiti Fund to ensure that he maintained autonomy and control over all of the operations at PPT. Because Perlitz maintained exclusive control over PPT's operations and funding, he made it difficult for volunteers, staff members, or others to question his actions. Perlitz also utilized the fear of unemployment and the difficult economic situation in Haiti to control and prevent the Haitian staff at PPT from coming forward about the allegations of sexual abuse. Finally, the Indictment alleges that, after allegations of long-term sexual abuse by Perlitz surfaced in approximately 2007, Perlitz used his relationship with a religious leader and influential Board Members to continue to attempt to conceal his illegal sexual conduct by causing others to manipulate, prevent, and preclude Board Members in the United States from questioning any issues relating to Perlitz. As part of the concealment, it is alleged that a letter was sent to donors stating that the accusations against Perlitz were groundless. Also, it alleged that investigators hired by the Board of Directors were denied entry into Perlitz's room at Bel Air, and that two computers and other items from a safe in Perlitz's room were removed and returned to Perlitz in Connecticut. U.S. Attorney Dannehy and DHS Assistant Secretary Morton stated that this is an ongoing investigation and encouraged anyone with information that may be relevant to the investigation to call ICE in Connecticut at 203-773-2029 The United States Embassy in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, also has established a telephone hotline for individuals in Haiti to call with information relevant to the investigation. If convicted, Perlitz faces a maximum term of imprisonment of 30 years and a fine of up to $250,000, on each count of the Indictment. U.S. Attorney Nora R. Dannehy stressed that an indictment is only a charge and is not evidence of guilt. The defendant is entitled to a fair trial at which it is the government's burden to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. This matter is being investigated by United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement ("ICE") in New Haven, with the assistance of ICE in Grand Junction, Colorado; ICE International Affairs in Washington, D.C. and the Caribbean Attaché, and the U.S. Department of State, Regional Security Office at the U.S. Embassy in Haiti. U.S. Attorney Dannehy and DHS Assistant Secretary Morton also acknowledged the critical assistance provided by the Haitian National Police Department, the Brigade of Protection of Minors, and the assistance of individuals who have come forward and to provide information to law enforcement. This case is being prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Krishna R. Patel with the assistance of the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Colorado. |