mercredi 28 juillet 2010

Cap-Haïtien, Maitre Jean-Claude Florvil, 51 ans de leçons particulières.

Cap-Haïtien, Maitre Jean-Claude Florvil, 51 ans de leçons particulières.

(Photo by Cyrus Sibert)

Par Cyrus Sibert, Cap-Haïtien, Haïti.
Radio Souvenir FM, 106.1 :

Le Ré.Cit. (Réseau Citadelle) :


Jean Claude Florvil 70 ans vient de commémorer ses 51 ans de profession. Depuis plus d'un demi siècle, il s'adonne à enseigner dans la ville du Cap-Haitien. Il est connu comme Maitre spécialisé dans les leçons de maison. Valise en main, Maitre Jean Claude parcourt les rues et quartiers de la ville du Cap-Haïtien dans le but de respecter son calendrier de travail. Chaque jour, il a un horaire serré.

Beaucoup de cadres et de professionnels sont des anciens élèves de Maitre Jean-Claude. Il nous dit : « Les élèves qui ont réussi n'aiment pas qu'on leur rappelle cela. A leurs yeux, je représente un moment de tâtonnement et de faiblesse qu'ils préfèrent oublier ».

(Photo by Cyrus Sibert)

Né au Cap-Haïtien, Maitre Jean-Claude nous dit qu'il donne des leçons à domicile depuis l'école primaire. C'est grâce à ce travail qu'il a pu se faire un peu d'argent. Il est né au Cap-Haitien et a vécu toute sa vie dans la ville. A l'âge de 20 ans, il s'est consacré comme enseignant professionnel donnant des leçons à domicile. Il n'a jamais travaillé comme employé de l'Etat.

Au nombre de ces élèves il a cité les enfants de Pierrot Giordani dit Pelota, de Aderbal Lhérisson, de Auguste (Gousto) Robinson, de Serge Madiou, tous des « Chefs » qui ont fait parler d'eux au temps des Duvalier.

Bien que veuf aujourd'hui, Maitre Jean Claude est père de famille.  Il a pris soin de sa femme et de sa fille avec les revenus de son travail de Maitre. Son père était orfèvre. Sa mère s'appelait Catherine Mésidor. S'il a pu recevoir le pain de l'instruction, c'est grâce à la famille Artaud. Il est fier de pouvoir en donner.

Au soir de sa vie Maitre Jean-Claude risque de connaitre des moments difficiles. Les maisonnettes qu'il a pu construire  à Labory, sur un terrain de l'Etat, ont été incendiées par des partisans d'Aristide qui lui reprochaient son scepticisme face aux discours du prêtre de Saint-Jean Bosco. Des hommes se disant Lavalas ont pris possession de l'espace où il avait construit des maisonnettes qu'il aurait pu louer au soir de sa vie comme source de revenu.

(Photo by Cyrus Sibert)

Aujourd'hui encore, Maitre Jean-Claude est obligé d'enseigner pour survivre. Nous étions surpris de voir que ce Maitre de 71 ans utilise des techniques modernes. Il n'aime pas le fouet. D'après lui, pour travailler, l'enfant doit respecter le Maitre « le fouet apporte peur et terreur, non le respect. »

Durant notre interview avec Maitre Jean-Claude Florvil, il n'a pas cessé de répéter cette phrase qui traduit sa déception : « Les gens n'aiment pas qu'on sache qu'ils ont reçu des leçons de maison de moi. C'est comme ça ! On n'aime pas révéler ces genres de choses. Surtout quand  cela vient d'un pauvre éducateur. Si j'étais riche ou un étranger, il serait autrement. Mais, je sais qu'au fond de leur cœur, mes anciens élèves, là où ils se trouvent, savent que Maitre Jean Claude a contribué à leur réussite.»

RESEAU CITADELLE (Le Ré.Cit), le 27 Juillet 2010, 14 heures 26.


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mardi 27 juillet 2010

Open Letter to Douglas' attorney : Don’t spit on the suffering of Haitian kids.


July 24, 2010

William F. Dow III
Attorney at Law
350 Orange Street
New Haven, Connecticut 06511

Dear Mr. Dow,

Your decision to refuse Connecticut as the venue for the trial of Douglas Perlitz, accused of pedophile against 20 street kids from Project Pierre-Toussaint, does not conform to your public declaration regarding my work as an investigative journalist who, in late 2007, first disclosed the story of Douglas Perlitz's sexual abuse of children who were students at Project Pierre Toussaint in Cap Haitian, Haiti.

In your declaration in the Connecticut Post, you described me as "a shock jock ...whose familiarity with veracity is infrequent and insubstantial." I thought you were so convinced by the facts and evidence that you could prove that the boys who said: "they were raped and abused by your client" are not telling the truth. But, instead, you are trying to delay the trial, instead of being willing and enthusiastic about going to trial.

I was confused when you decided to request a new venue in what seemed to me to be a way so that your client would not have to face the testimony of 20 sex abuse victims. In the Connecticut Post of July 16, 2010, your declaration about the new venue is: "We intend to again enter not guilty pleas and address these four charges, which are 20 less than he was facing and involve only two, not 18 complainants."

You were so happy for your client to not face 20 charges, 20 boys who were raped and sodomized (by the way, Mr. Dow, it is expected that there will be many more re-indictments). I finally understood that you don't care about the truth. You found a technical, jurisdictional loophole to escape the point. Your client Douglas Perlitz, did he really abuse those street kids? If you believe the victims are lying and Cyrus is "a shock jock ...whose familiarity with veracity is infrequent and insubstantial.", why are you and Douglas so afraid of a trial?

I have never seen an innocent person prefer to stay in prison instead of facing what the person considers to be false accusations. The trial was scheduled to arrive in 2 months. Now, because of you, the trial will be delayed. The victims want a trial. Why does your client who is in prison keep trying to stall a trial?

Mr. Dow, as I told you in my last letter, there is a difference between justice and law. You build your reputation on your ability to not let a criminal face allegations and accusations against him. You will earn much money for helping a pedophile escape a trial. You will be richer. But you won't serve your community. While you try to guarantee impunity to a pedophile, you work against the children of your country and the children of Haiti. Your work is against your own children, against the children of your brother, of your sister, against the children of your neighbors, of your community. With your strategy to fight the truth by looking for technical jurisdictional loopholes, you will help a pedophile to become free. He will walk again in the street, go to the park; play with kids of the Catholic Church choral. He will have more opportunity to abuse other kids as he is a sick man addicted to committing crimes by abusing young boys.

Believe that I am satisfied to see that even though you said bad things against me in the Connecticut Post, you are afraid to face the accusations. You and your client are hiding. You are afraid to have 20 victims in the court telling with courage the suffering they endured when Douglas decided, as director of Project Pierre Toussaint, to sexually abuse them.

The Devil needs men like you to perpetuate bad behaviors in the world. With a great attorney like you, able to help criminals get their impunity, the world will belong to Satan with this kind of bad behavior.

I take this opportunity to tell you that I am proud of my achievement in this case. Douglas Perlitz will not be able to abuse any other kids in Haiti. With the support of a few good people of your country, we are helping these victims to feel loved and comforted. We have raised small amounts of money to feed the boys rice, beans and spaghetti. They stand with courage to tell the truth. They don't care if the trial will be held in Connecticut, New York, Colorado or Florida. They are not afraid to look Douglas Perlitz in his eyes and tell the TRUTH.

Mr. Dow, take your time. Find all kinds of technical ways to not let your client face the truth. But, be sure of this. The victims are ready to testify. They will not be discouraged. God bless the people with good hearts, who have decided to support them. Misery will not kill the boys. This strategy to qualify their allegations as false, while Douglas's friends in Connecticut are pushing to stop the school project from reopening, with the hope that the victims will become unavailable to testify, will not work.

With my little contribution in defending the street kids of Cap-Haitian, I defend all the kids in the world; I defend American kids too. Be sure, that with your strategy, you are not honoring all the children who believe that you are a great man with moral values.

I tell you that you can defend your client with respect for justice, truth, human rights and moral values. But don't spit on the suffering of Haitian kids.

Cyrus Sibert, Cap-Haitien, Haiti

Cyrus Sibert is a journalist who lives in Cap-Haitian, Haïti. He can be contacted at:

lundi 26 juillet 2010

RICHARD MEEHAN: Ruling reinforces importance of location in prosecution.


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Bridgeport attorney Richard Meehan's column appears in The Sunday Bulletin. Reach him through his law firm's Web site,



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Assisté par

Cyrus Sibert

Cyrus Sibert
P.o.Box 242, Cap-Haitien, HAITI. Tel: 509-3686-9669 / 509-3449-5707 / 305-454-7243

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Archives du blog

Au Studio de Radio Kontak Inter sur laquelle le 1er reportage sur Perlitz a été diffusé en 2007.

Au Studio de Radio Kontak Inter sur laquelle le 1er reportage sur Perlitz a été diffusé en 2007.
Photo by Christian Abraham of CONNPOST.

Cyrus Sibert et le Photographe / Cinéaste Daniel Morel.

Cyrus Sibert et le Photographe / Cinéaste Daniel Morel.

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