Haïti - pédophilie : 1983 - 2011, 28 années d'exploitations sexuelles sous les yeux de Saint-Joseph.  (Photo de Michael Geilenfeld en compagnie des enfants de son Centre d'Acceuil "Maison Saint-Joseph pour Petits Garcons".) Il existe à Port-au-Prince et à Jacmel trois (3) maisons d'accueil pour enfants qui représentent trois (3) foyers d'exploitations sexuelles. Aux dires de plusieurs jeunes qui ont fréquenté ces établissements, ces trois (3) » Maisons Saint-Joseph pour Enfants » réunissent un nombre important d'enfants de rue venant du Centre d'accueil de Carrefour, des bidonvilles de la Capitale et des villes de province. Elles sont dirigées par Michael Geilenfeld, un religieux au passé ombrageux qui est accusé d'abus sexuels sur des enfants démunis d'Haïti.
Sa tactique est connue. Il habitue les enfants à des attouchements corporels allant de simples caresses des membres, des parties du tronc, des fesses, jusqu'à la sodomie. Son chien méchant appelé Micky lui servait d'arme privilégiée pour intimider ses victimes. Plusieurs anciens de Saint-Joseph Home For Boys rapportent avoir été mordus par ce chien sur l'ordre de Geilenfeld.
Des pratiques d'abus sexuels et d'exploitation qui ont provoqué plusieurs mouvements de protestation en 1983, en 1991, et en 2005. Des jeunes danseurs des centres d'accueil Saint-Joseph, en déplacement aux Etats-Unis, ont fait des déclarations dans la presse Américaine dénonçant des abus sexuels de Michael Geilenfeld. Des victimes ont été jusqu'à déposer une plainte formelle, au Consulat Américain de Port-au-Prince, contre leur Bourreau. Ils ont indexé Michael Geilenfeld. Madame Déjean de l'IBERS a été informée à 4 reprises, selon ses témoignages.
Geilenfeld a été traîné devant la justice haïtienne, ses accusateurs critiquent son influence sur des juges, de grands avocats de Port-au-Prince, des policiers, et le comble, sur des officiers de l'Ambassade des États-Unis à Port-au-Prince.
Pourtant, des missionnaires américains ayant travaillé dans les différents Centres d'Accueil Saint-Joseph d'Haïti ont rapporté des faits compromettants allant dans le sens des témoignages des victimes. Mary Kolhaas et Mitchelle Finch sont deux américains qui ont eu le courage de mettre leur témoignage sur papier par devant un notaire Américain en janvier1991. ( Lisez tous les documents sur le site : http://www.dossiergeilenfeld.blogspot.com/) Le nombre de victimes se compte par centaines. En 28 ans, ils sont nombreux ceux qui déclarent avoir connu les assauts de Geilenfeld. Lors d'un voyage d'enquête à Port-au-Prince, Réseau Citadelle a rencontré environ une douzaine d'adultes, anciens enfants de Saint-Joseph Home for Boys. Les récits sont les mêmes: Geilenfeld leur a caressé le cou, la figure, le ventre, les fesses, il les a pressés contre son sexe en érection, et finalement les moins violents, ou les plus naïfs, ont été sodomisés. Parfois, il utilise des haïtiens pédophiles et surtout bisexuels, membres de son staff, pour les premières attaques sur les enfants fraîchement arrivés.
Les victimes de Geilenfeld sont réparties partout à travers le monde: États-Unis, Europe, Amérique du Sud et Haïti. Après plusieurs tentatives pour stopper cet homme puissant, ils perdent confiance dans la lutte et voient en leur bourreau un homme intouchable au-dessus de la loi, grâce au pouvoir de l'argent. Les jeunes rencontrés sur le dossier n'ont pas cessé de répéter le fameux proverbe de Madame Déjean: "Lajan fè chien danse".
Plusieurs sont morts dans des conditions troublantes, d'autres ont tenté le suicide, la grande majorité s'est réfugiée dans le silence de l'impuissance.
Cependant, avec l'annonce de la condamnation de Douglas Perlitz à Connecticut le 21 décembre 2010, ces jeunes marqués par les abus subis dans les Maisons Saint-Joseph reprennent confiance. Ils nous ont contacté pour les aider à relancer la campagne pour que justice soit faite.
C'est dans cette perspective que nous avions interrogé les plus déterminés et lancé, avec l'aide d'amis américains, une enquête journalistique et un plaidoyer, en vue de forcer les autorités concernées et les membres du Conseil d'administration de "Hearts with Haiti", l'ONG américaine qui supporte les activités de Michael Geilenfeld, à faire la lumière sur les accusations répétées d'exploitation sexuelle des enfants.
Faut-il signaler que plusieurs pédophiles recherchés par la justice pour abus sur des enfants haïtiens ont passé un bon moment avec Michael Geilenfeld. C'est le cas pour Michael Brewer, Thony, Phillip Morris -homosexuel marié à un jeune garçon haïtien en Angleterre et de John Duarte, un prêtre catholique condamné au Canada pour pédophilie en Haïti.
Comment un tel homme peut-il avoir l'autorisation administrative et morale pour continuer à diriger, en toute quiétude, 3 maisons d'accueil pour enfants? Quel réseau se cache derrière Michael Geilenfeld? RÉSEAU CITADELLE (Ré.Cit.), le 10 mai 2011, 15 heures 49. --------------- "Ne doutez jamais qu'un petit nombre de citoyens volontaires et réfléchis peut changer le monde. En fait, cela se passe toujours ainsi" Margaret Mead (1901-197
(Publication autorisée par Mr. Robert Bryan Davis) I apologize, I do not speak or write French or Creole. I have visited St. Joseph's Home for Boys in October of 2010 and October 2011. Upon returning several weeks, I learned about the sexual abuse allegations regarding Mike Geilenfeld. I have talked and exchanged many emails with concerned people on both sides, read postings on the internet. I am convinced that at minimum, Mike Geilenfeld and the St. Joseph communities need to be thoroughly investigated. I have many questions. Please forgive my long list of questions. · Is the Haitian Govt. investigating Geilenfeld? · Is the US Govt. investigating? · Are the two governments cooperating? · If Geilenfeld is an offender, how has he been doing it for so long and getting away with it? · Hearts With Haiti Foundation (located in North Carolina, USA) raised $500,000 in 2007, $250,000 in 2008, $400,000 in 2009, and $2 million in 2010 (see this report ). St. Joseph's has a $6 million capital campaign underway to rebuild two orphanages (St. Joseph's Home for Boys and Wings of Hope). Does it cost this much in Haiti to build two orphanages? · How about operating costs - could they be as much as $500,000 a year for three orphanages (Trinity House as well). · If Geilenfeld is an abuser, how much does it take to buy off the social services (IBSER)? · Is he paying people off to look the other way? · Who inspects the orphanages in Haiti? · Is any governing body, the IBSER perhaps, inspecting the St. Joseph's orphanages? · If so, can you get a report proving that St. Joseph's has been inspected? · St. Joseph's claims the IBSER as well as the US Embassy exonerated Mike Geilenfeld in 1991 when he was accused of sexual abuse. Do you have official documents that reflect this claim? · Why don't graduated orphans speak out against him, if they have been abused? · What can naive Americans do to facilitate stopping sexual abuse as is alleged against Mike Geilenfeld? · John Duarte signed a letter written in December of 1990 defending Geilenfeld against sexual abuse charges. The newspaper articles I have read say Duarte was convicted for sexual abuse he committed in Port au Prince and Labodie. One article I found says Duarte helped at a mission in Port au Prince in the early 90s. Was this mission St. Joseph's? · Are Duarte and Geilenfeld part of a network of "humanitarians" in Haiti perpetuating sexual abuse crimes? · Have you met Don Lojoie of Windsor Star (Windsor, Ontario). He wrote about the John Duarte case in Labadie and Cite Soleil. I hope you two collaborate. Please call him. I hope you have time to reply. Robert Bryan Davis Atlanta, Ga USA ____________________
Emile Milien (Geilenfeld's victim) talking to Paul Kendrick (Child abuse Advocate), in Boston - Massachusset, June 10th, 20110.
In 1983, Emile Millien was a 10 year old boy living in an orphanage in Port au Prince, Haiti when Michael Geilenfeld, the orphanage's American founder, first began to rape him.
With his voice rising with emotion, Emile told us that Geilenfeld forced him to put his penis into Geilenfled's mouth. At other times, Geilenfeld held the boy's penis and masturbated him.
Emile was a frightened, scared little boy. Whenever Geilenfeld came near, he would tell Emile to "give me a kiss," and Emile, just a ten year-old boy, would be forced to kiss Geilenfeld on his lips. This violent abuse of a child occurred countless times between 1983 and 1989.
In 1983, "Brother" Michael Geilenfeld was sent to Haiti by the Missionaries of Charity, an order founded by Mother Teresa. According to Emile, Geilenfeld gathered 4 or 5 boys together with him in a two room house in Port au Prince, Haiti. They all slept together in the same room. Geilenfeld began performing disgusting sexual acts on the boys. In exchange for sex, Geilenfeld gave the boys food, shelter and money.
This past Friday evening, three of us met with Emile (two of us for the first time) in a restaurant in Braintree, Massachusetts USA. I, along with Paul Kellen of Medford, MA, who is a long time member of the National Survivor Advocates Coalition, and John Unni, a Catholic priest and pastor of St. Cecilia's Church in Boston, listened intently as Emile bravely shared the terrible abuse inflicted upon him when he was a child by American citizen, Michael Geilenfeld.
For twenty-five years, Geilenfeld has been the director of the St. Joseph's Family of (children's) Homes, located in or about the Port au Prince area. During these many years, Haitian law enforcement officials and U.S. Embassy authorities have done nothing to stop Geilenfeld. Geilenfeld holds enough power and influence in Haiti to keep law enforcement officials away. His threats and intimidation keep victims silent. Meanwhile, innocent kids have continued to be abused.
In recent weeks, Geilenfeld contacted Emile in the U.S. and asked him to speak with John Unni, who in addition to his role as a pastor in Boston, is a member of the Board of Directors of Hearts with Haiti, the major fundraising arm of Geilenfeld's orphanages in Haiti. Unni and members of the St. Cecilia parish community have traveled to the St. Joseph's Family of Homes on many occasions and have raised significant amounts of money to help the children in Haiti.
Geilenfeld wanted Emile to write a letter in which Emile would deny that Geilenfeld ever abused him. Geilenfeld mistakenly thought that if he could get Emile to speak with a nearby Hearts with Haiti board member, in this case, John Unni, then Unni would convince Emile to recant his prior testimony that Geilenfeld abused him (see letter below).
Instead, and not unexpectantly (except in Geilenfeld's sick mind), Unni became overwhelmed by the horror of Emile's story and told Emile he would stand by him and help him and support him. Unni says, "After listening again and again to Emile's story of abuse, I have such serious concerns that I call for an immediate investigation of Michael Geilenfeld by Haitian and U.S. law enforcement officials."
For all of us present with Emile on Friday evening, there is no turning back. Emile's story has affected each of us profoundly. No child, anywhere, at any time, should have to endure the trauma, pain and suffering inflicted upon Emile.
"Thanks to the courage of Emile and other abuse victims, Haitian and U.S. law enforcement authorities must now pay attention to the crimes committed against children by Geilenfeld," said Kellen. "In addition, tens of thousands of abuse victims, their supporters, and child protection advocates throughout the world are standing side by side with Emile and the other victims as they pursue justice," added Kellen.
We must ensure that what happened to Emile must never, ever happen again to any child.
Paul Kendrick Freeport, Maine kendrickpt@aol.com 207 838 1319
" I was just thinking about Emile. He was bullied, raped, sodomized and threatened by Geilenfeld beginning when he was a 10 years old boy. He's a good man, but so beat up emotionally and physically by Geilenfeld." dixit Paul Kendrick, Friday night, june 10th 2011.
Here's a copy of Emile's letter to Geilenfeld in response to Geilenfeld's request that Emile recant his prior testimony and deny that he was sexually abused by Geilenfeld.
Dear Mike (Geilenfeld),
You have called and asked me to go to father Unni to talk about your been accused of pedophile . God and you known the truth. For many years I have been abused sexual, Physically and mentally by you. you have been manipulated every times something like that come on by talking to father John Unni to defend you. when I went to talk to him I told the truth about I have been a victim of your abuse. For many years I have protected you by not telling the truth. Now, you are putting blame on me . Telling the members of your board how bad person I am. when I was Haiti me and Mark were always stand up to talk to you about child abuse. You never want to hear us it always your way or the highway. I never did any bad thing to you. The only thing I did is protecting you for many years; now i can't do it no more. Remember you are the one who raised me since I was a little boy. I carry this shame for many years. Since you have sent me to talk to father John Unni I have nightmare about all the abuses. all I wanted from you is to changed your ways and not to blaming me because I'm a victim. I known my right and you need to stop blaming me. you know I'm not the only one victim by you. I am glad I confess my sins to father John Unni and two with by telling the truth about what happen to me.
Emile Millien --------------- "Ne doutez jamais qu'un petit nombre de citoyens volontaires et réfléchis peut changer le monde. En fait, cela se passe toujours ainsi" Margaret Mead (1901-1978) ____________________ "La vraie reconstruction d'Haïti passe par des réformes en profondeur des structures de l'État pour restaurer la confiance, encourager les investisseurs et mettre le peuple au travail. Il faut finir avec cette approche d'un État paternaliste qui tout en refusant de créer le cadre approprié pour le développement des entreprises mendie des millions sur la scène internationale en exhibant la misère du peuple." Cyrus Sibert |