mercredi 14 octobre 2009

L’Affaire Perlitz risque de mettre à nu un réseau complexe d’activités pédophiles en Haïti.

Cap-Haitien, le 14 Octobre 2009

Chers lecteurs,

L'Affaire Douglas Perlitz risque de mettre à nu un réseau complexe d'activités pédophiles en Haïti qui utilise l'Eglise Catholique Haïtienne pour mieux cacher ses opérations.

Réseau Citadelle partage avec le public cette correspondance privée de Paul Kendrick, défenseur des enfants victimes des abus sexuels par des imposteurs qui utilisent la foi pour mieux attaquer leur proies. Depuis 2005, Kendrick et David Clohessy avait signalé cette possibilité aux autorités haïtiennes dont le Ministre Bernard Gousse.

A RESEAU CITADELLE nous avons été contactés par Kendrick en 2008. Il voulait prendre connaissance des informations dont nous disposions pour comparer et parfaire ses convictions sur la situation en Haïti. Dans la lettre que vous allez lire en anglais, Ron Voss, ancien prêtre catholique, l'un des pédophiles réside aux Bahamas. Perlitz se rendait souvent aux Bahamas. Il a pris refuge dans ce pays après les premières dénonciations de Cyrus Sibert -RESEAU CITADELLE.

Un réseau de pédophiles basé aux Etats-Unis et opérant dans la caraïbe, tel est l'adversaire auquel les enfants de rue de la ville du Cap-Haitien auront à faire face.

Nous comprenons mieux aujourd'hui le comportement de ces enquêteurs de CRS (Catholique Reliefs Service).


1 - Cap-Haitien : Des enfants de rue condamnés à l'exploitation sexuelle.

2 -
Pétition en faveur des victimes de la pédophilie au Cap-Haitien.

Les enjeux sont de taille. Les menaces sont sérieuses. Que le ciel nous soit en aide.

La bataille continue !

Cyrus Sibert
P.o.Box 242,,
Tel: 509-3686-9669 / 509-3449-5707
Cap-Haitien, Haiti


You would not believe the amount of resistance David Clohessy and I encountered when we first called attention to former Catholic priest, Ron Voss. Voss fled to Haiti in the mid-eighties when allegations of child sex abuse against him first surfaced.

By coincidence, it was Doug Perlitz who recommended I contact Voss. During my first trip to Haiti in April 2003, I was focused on establishing a partnership between my Cathedral parish in Maine and the Cathedral parish in Cap Haitian. When I met with Doug for lunch, he told me that Ron Voss was the contact person in Port au Prince for the Parish Twinning Program of the Americas.

At a later date, I sent an email to Doug and asked him if he had known that Voss was an admitted child molester. I received a one word response, "No."

Soon after we wrote this letter to the Minister of Justice, Voss fled Haiti for political reasons. He now resides in the Bahamas.


The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests
SNAP Press ReleaseGiving Voice to Victims
For Immediate Release:Friday, February 25, 2005
For more information:David Clohessy of St. Louis, SNAP National Director 314 566-9790

Paul Kendrick of Portland Maine, VOTF 207 838-6985
Sex Abuse Victims Urge Haitian Government To Investigate Ex-Priest
He's Admitted Molesting "Many Boys" in US Former Cleric Questioned in Recent Massive Jail Break But Group Says Officials Should Also Look Into Possible Sex Crimes

A support group for clergy sex abuse victims is asking Haitian government officials to broaden their investigation of a former Catholic priest to include the possible sexual abuse of children. The ex-cleric was questioned earlier this week about his alleged involvement in a jailbreak of some 500 prisoners.

The defrocked Indiana priest, Ron Voss, admitted in 1997: "My sins are too numerous to detail, but the most grievous gather around the sexual abuse of many adolescent boys, including some minors."

Voss was interviewed earlier this week by Haitian Minister of Justice Bernard Gousse in connection with an escape last Saturday by inmates at a Port-au-Prince prison.
Voss has been director of Visitation House in Port-au-Prince for almost fifteen years.

Visitation House provides lodging for visitors to Haiti. It is often the base for volunteers from U.S. churches and other groups that work in Haiti's slums or interior. Voss constructed a soccer field behind Visitation House for use by area youth.

"Unsuspecting American tourists and Catholic volunteers have stayed with Voss for years,' said David Clohessy, SNAP's national director. "But we're equally concerned about the safety and welfare of especially vulnerable Haitian children that Voss might have sexually assaulted.'

In a letter to Haitian Minister of Justice Gousse, Clohessy and another activist urged that announcements about Voss' criminal behavior be made public and that any possible victims or witnesses are urged to come forward.

"What are the odds that an admitted serial child molester is magically cured of compulsive sexual urges simply because he moves overseas?" asked Paul Kendrick of Portland Maine. Kendrick, the founder of Maine Voice of the Faithful, has done volunteer work in Haiti. "We'd all love to believe such miracles happen. But that would be playing Russian roulette with the emotional, spiritual and physical safety of kids."

Both Clohessy and Kendrick stressed that they have no idea whether Voss was involved in the jailbreak.

"In fact, we strongly urge government officials to do as we do in America - assume Voss is innocent until proven guilty," said Clohessy. "Our request has nothing to do with Voss' political activities. We just want to make sure children are safe. If they have been hurt, we want them to get help."

A copy of the letter, sent today to Haitian officials via fax, is below:
February 25, 2005 M. Bernard GousseMinister of Justice and Public Safety9 Ave. Charles SumnerPort-au-Prince, Haitic/o Embassy of the Republic of Haiti - Washington, DCFax 202 745-7215

Dear Minister Gousse,

We urge you to begin an investigation into whether Haitian children may have been sexually abused by Ron Voss, Director of Visitation House in Port au Prince. Voss, a fomer Catholic priest, has admitted to sexually abusing "many adolescent boys including some minors" while working as a priest in Indiana.

Voss' move to Haiti resembles a pattern recently exposed by the Dallas Morning News. That newspaper documented how accused priests frequently move or are transferred overseas -- often to Third World countries where underfunded law enforcement may be less vigorous and children in poverty may be more vulnerable.

We urge you to publicize Voss' history of child abuse. Please publicly urge anyone who has experienced sexual abuse by Voss to report the crimes to public authorities. Please urge anyone who has witnessed or suspected that Voss has abused children to report this to police and prosecutors immediately.

In many Haitian families, there is only one parent. There is little or no work. Thousands upon thousands of children roam the streets. It is estimated that up to 10% of Haitian children are sold into slavery. Educational, cultural and financial gaps are even more pronounced in Haiti, which make abuse more likely and makes detecting and punishing offenders less likely.

Voss currently serves as the Director of the Parish Twinning Program of the Americas' (PTPA) Visitation House in Port au Prince. He is a former Vice-President of PTPA's Board of Directors. Visitation House is a place where hundreds of Catholic parishioners have stayed when they pass through or work in Port au Prince.

In Haiti, Voss has the same access to children as anyone else. In fact, he is seen by some as a local hero of sorts. However, in a 1997 interview conducted by The Indianapolis Star, Dr. Frederick Berlin of the Johns Hopkins National Institute for the Study, Prevention, and Treatment of Sexual Trauma stated that a man with Voss' history should "not be somewhere else where vulnerable youngsters can be victimized by him. Kids are just as important in Haiti as they are in a hometown of Indiana."

Thank you.

Paul Kendrick

Co-founder, Maine Voice of the FaithfulPortland, Maine(207) 838-1319 David ClohessyNational Director, SNAPSurvivors Network of those Abused by PriestsSt. Louis MO 63143314 566 9790 cell, 314 645 5915

MODELH-PRDH, le Parti de Dr Guy Théodore, en crise.

James Constant

Par Cyrus Sibert, Cap-Haitien, Haïti, le 14/10/2009
Radio Souvenir FM, 106.1 :
Le Ré.Cit. :

Une dernière goute fait renverser le vase dans la situation des confrontations qui existent au sein du MODELH-PRDH. Le 9 octobre 2009, le nouveau Conseil Exécutif National du parti a été dans le nord d’Haïti pour élire une coordination départementale. Conformément à l’article 31 des Statuts en vigueurs, ‘‘L’ordre du jour sera établi par le bureau départemental moyennant avis favorable du CEN. Sur cette convocation du CEN, l’assemblée départementale se réunit deux mois avant la date fixée pour les élections sous la direction du président du MODEL-PRDH.’’ Cet article n’a pas été respecté. Un comité a ainsi vu le jour dans des conditions extrastatutaires.

James Constant, 32 ans, enseignant, est trésorier du comité communal de la ville du Cap-Haitien. Il a contacté RESEAU CITADELLE pour nous mettre au courant de sa décision d’abandonner le parti de Dr Guy Théodore. Car, selon lui, le leader ne respecte pas les statuts du parti, allant jusqu’à qualifier ses protestations contre la violation de l’article 31 de « Pale franse ». Le jeune étudiant de la faculté de Droit du Cap-Haitien dit regretter ses sacrifices au sein du MODELH-PRDH et veut que ses protestations soient publiques. Pourtant, depuis plus de deux ans, il travaille à la structuration du parti, avec l’espoir que cette nouvelle organisation politique respecterait ses statuts à savoir la décentralisation, l’autonomie des structures locales, la concertation et le respect des militants. Ils plusieurs jeunes étudiants à quitter le navire.
En effet, depuis plusieurs mois une situation de tension traverse le mouvement de Dr Guy Deve Théodore. L’objectif électoral du président du parti enfonce le mouvement dans des litiges contreproductifs. Au détriment des jeunes qui on mit leur courage à profit, des inconnus sont imposés avec des tactiques qualifiées par les victimes de machiavéliques.

La liste des mécontents augmente considérablement. Me Camille Leblanc, Wilfrid Ulysse (Ito), Dr Robert Joseph sont des leaders de poids écartés en faveur d’autres à la tête du parti.
Me Camille joint par téléphone confirme sa décision d’abandonner le parti. « Il y a aujourd’hui au sein du MODELH-PRDH des individus qui ne correspondent pas à la morale de l’organisation. L’actuel Vice-président Gilbert Myrtil a été accusé par le Sénateur Sabalat de faux et d’utilisation de fausses informations dans son curriculum vitae pour arriver à la tête de la Cour Supérieur des Comptes et du Contentieux Administratif. Je n’ai rien contre Dr Guy Théodore. Il m’a invité au sein du MODELH-PRDH. Si aujourd’hui, à la faveur des objectifs électoraux, il décide d’intégrer des individus non crédibles, c’est à moi de partir. J’aurais préféré qu’on maintienne une différence entre le candidat, sa structure de campagne et le parti. Considérant l’insistance de Dr Guy Théodore à placer à la tete du parti toute personne se disant capable de le supporter, MODELH-PRDH risque de disparaitre avec les élections. Lors de la dernière assemblée, selon les déclarations de membres du parti, on a écarté des comités de Carrefour, Gantier, Font-Parisien et le comité départemental de l’Ouest. Seulement, quatre (4) comités ont été invités. Une stratégie qui visait à favoriser l’élection de ces personnes que j’ai dénoncées publiquement et qui ont proféré des menaces publiques contre ma personne » a t-il déclaré.
James Constant se dit déçu. Selon lui, la situation au sein de MODELH-PRDH est consternante. Elle impose la prudence !
RESEAU CITADELLE (Le Ré.Cit), le 14 Octobre 2009, 18 heures 04.

Douglas Perlitz : Information about the situation in Cap-Haitian. (By Cyrus Sibert)

On Oct 13, 2009, at 16:15, Reseau Citadelle - Cyrus Sibert <reseaucitadelle@> wrote:

Dear Paul,


I am back in Cap-Haitian since October 12th 2009.. Upon my arrival in Port-au prince I was told by Robinson who is a custodian of the Pierre Toussaint Project's assets that at a radio station of Cap-Haitian named Radio Passion has aired last week-end information that Douglas will be released soon.    

I am going to write an article on the situation but I think that they are trying to pressure kids who want to testify. As you know, impunity is a way of life in Haiti and the good part of the judicial system is on the auction block. Judges, lawyers and policemen will sell their souls to the highest bidder.


Now I am working on collecting physical evidences. There is some overwhelming evidences that will make the case stick. The local prosecutor should summon those who are trying to divert, intimidate, coerce those providing incriminating proof.


Notice that the defense attorney builds his case on the lack of professionalism of the local police.. Tell him that 3 police officers with high experience in ''child abuse'' worked on the case with Haitian police. One of them is a retired police officer from Canada named Gilles Saindon, Sergent-Detective, Section Agression Sexuelles, Service des enquêtes spécialisées et du Soutien aux operations, 7275, rue Sherbrooke Bureau 605, Montréal (Quebec) H1N 1E9, gilles.saindon@, 514-280-8502, Fax: 514-280-6954. Another one is a policeman from Canada working at UNPOL (the police of United Nations in Haiti) Gillessavard2318@ A third officer is a Spanish policewoman: miranda1801@


This information could help you defend the street kids.

Cyrus Sibert
Cap-Haitian, Haiti

Abuse Victims in Haiti need to feel safe

John Marshall Lee
Bridgeport VOTF

Dear Mr. Lee,

There are many things going on behind the scenes that you could not possibly know regarding the Douglas Perlitz and Fairfield University situation.

I will tell you, though, that serious efforts are being made by Perlitz and others to silence the victims in Haiti.

Many of the boys in Haiti and their families are worried and fearful about Perlitz's release on bond.

I want to honor their courage and bravery for coming forward to expose Perlitz. These kids have placed themselves in great danger.

The boys need everyone's support. The judicial system will sort out the details of this case, but the boys must be protected and made to feel safe.

I hope you will keep these kids in mind if you are called upon to speak about this issue. Please know that the children in Haiti are watching us closely via the Internet. They can "hear" everything we say.

At the same time, Perlitz's lawyer and prominent Catholics in your community are doing everything they can to disparage and diminish the victims.

I hope you will pass this message on to your members.

Paul Kendrick
Fairfield University '72

mardi 13 octobre 2009

Haïti-Port-de-Paix/Drogue : le juge instructeur du dossier ordonne le jugement d’une trentaine de personnes

Écrit par Dabouze Figaro Lundi, 12 Octobre 2009 18:48

Dans une ordonnance en date du 22 septembre 2009, le juge d'instruction près le Tribunal de première instance de Port-de-Paix, Me Vinx Etienne a ordonné le jugement par devant le tribunal criminel de plus d'une trentaine de personnes dont des hauts cadres de l'appareil judiciaire et des policiers membres du service départemental de la police judiciaire, dans le cadre de l'enquête relative au dossier de drogue de Lavaud, une localité de Port-de-Paix (Nord-ouest d'Haïti).

Adoptant en partie le réquisitoire définitif du commissaire du gouvernement Me Frédéric Bénèche, le juge d'instruction a déclaré dans son ordonnance qu'il y a charges et indices suffisants contre près de 34 inculpés dans le dossier.

Les autorités judicaires telles Me René Moïse jouant le rôle de commissaire du gouvernement a.i d'alors, Me Bouquet Saint-Marc, juge de paix titulaire du tribunal de Port-de-Paix, Jean Mathieu Dorvelus juge de paix suppléant, Gaby Dorélien et Louis Albert Loriston tous deux greffiers du tribunal de paix de Port-de-Paix, ont été renvoyés par devant le Tribunal criminel, selon le vœu de l'article 119 du code de l'instruction criminelle pour être jugés et punis comme auteurs du crime de la forfaiture et des délits de fonctionnaires publics et des soustractions commises par les dépositaires publics, conformément aux articles 127 et 130 du code pénal haïtien et la loi du 21 février 2001 sur le blanchiment d'argent.

Les autres inculpés Pierrelus Ramy ex-agent de l'unité départemental de maintien d'ordre (UDMO), Registe Harry ex-inspecteur et responsable du service départemental de la police judiciaire, Eberle Théophile ex-agent de l'UDMO, Alexis Petit François, Charlotin Jimmy Anglade, Toussaint Célestin, Gary Saint Vil, Jabouin Patrick, Ductan Ezéchias, Comte Michelet, Jean Mary Louiternier (DSPJ), Accelus Wagonel, Lixon Vincent, Jean Rejunel, Garry Beauvil, Wilson Louidor, Melidor Jean Marc, Ludner Bélisaire, Belony Robenson ex-policier affecté au bureau du service départemental de la police judiciaire (SDPJ), Nuclase Jean Simon, Edmond Brutus, et Ansy Mont Rose ont été également renvoyés par devant le tribunal criminel. Les accusés Bernard Mary Dadaille directeur départemental de Police d'alors, Michenet Balthazar et Marc Markendy, cousin du présumé narcotrafiquant Alain Désir, y ont été renvoyés comme complices du crime susmentionné.

Le juge Vinx Etienne a par ailleurs ordonné la prise de corps des nommés Charlotin Jimmy Anglade, Toussaint Célestin et Garry Saint Vil des policiers ayant participé à la perquisition de Lavaud, Bernard Mary Dadaille, Michenet Balthazar(ex-commissaire du gouvernement), Nuclase Jean Simon, Edmond Brutus et Ansy Mont Rose et a déclaré qu'il n'y a pas lieu à suivre contre les nommés Kerline Jean, Sainvilia Saint Charles, Dumarsais Louidor, Patrick Me Eugène et Ronel Gélin pour insuffisance de charges.

Selon ce qui est écrit dans cette ordonnance de 35 pages, Kerline Jean, Sainvilia Saint Charles, Dumarsais Louidor, Patrick Me Eugène et Ronel Gélin devraient être mis en libertés s'ils ne sont pas retenus pour d'autres charges, car, souligne l'ordonnance, ils sont hors des liens d'inculpations.

Dans l'intervalle, le juge s'est déclaré incompétent pour instruire soit à charge et à décharge contre le nommé Samson Mangle inculpé dans le dossier, du fait de son statut de membre de la Minustah. Le juge rappelle que ce dernier ne peut être jugé selon les lois haïtiennes, ce, suivant la convention signée entre l'Etat Haïtien et l'organisation des Nations Unies.

Des inculpés tels Me René Moise, Jean Mary Dadaille, Michenet Balthazar, Toussaint Célestin, Charlotin Jimmy Anglade, Gary Saint Vil, Nuclasse Jean Simon, Ansy Mont Rose et Edmond Brutus sont dans le maquis.

L'ordonnance et toutes les pièces de la procédure devaient être acheminées au commissaire du gouvernement pour les suites légales.

Bulletin météo du mardi 13 octobre 2009.

Valable jusqu'au 15 octobre 2009

Situation synoptique dans la Caraïbe et sur l'Atlantique:
De l'air sec et stable (beau temps) influence la météo sur une bonne partie de la caraïbe ce matin. Cependant, de la pluie sectorielle modérée et des orages isolés restent encore possibles sur Haïti ce soir.

Prévisions pour Haïti :
- Temps partiellement ensoleillé ce matin ;
- Périodes nuageuses en fin de journée;
- Températures agréables en journée en fin de nuit ;
- Pluie modérée et orages isolés possibles ce soir notamment dans le centre, le nord-est, l'ouest, le sud-est, les nippes.

Prévisions pour Port-au-Prince et environs:
· Ensoleillé ce matin ;
· Passages nuageux cet après-midi ;
· Tº. max. : 35ºC ; Tº min: 23ºC ;
· Chance de pluie et d'orages isolés cet après-midi et ce soir.

Lever & coucher du soleil pour Port-au-Prince :
Aujourd'hui 13 oct.
Lever : 05h 43 mn
Coucher : 17h 28 mn

Mercredi 14 oct.
Lever : 05h 43 mn
Coucher : 17h 27 mn

Jeudi 15 oct.
Lever : 05h 43 mn
Coucher : 17h 26 mn

Jacquet Jackson, prévisionniste au CNM

Bulletin météo marine mardi 13 octobre 2009
Valable jusqu'au 14 octobre 2009

Prévisions maritimes:
Zone côtière nord :
Mardi & mercredi
* Vent du secteur est: 10-15 nœuds ;
* Hauteur des vagues : 3 à 4 pieds ;
* Mer peu agitée.

Golfe de la Gonâve :
Mardi & mercredi
* Vent du secteur est: 10/15 nœuds ;
* Hauteur des vagues : 3 à 4 pieds ;
* Mer peu agitée.

Zone côtière sud :
Mardi & mercredi
* Vent du secteur est : 10/15 nœuds ;
* Hauteur des vagues : 3 à 4 pieds ;
* Pluie et orages isolés en pm ;
* Mer peu agitée.

Jacquet Jackson, Prévisionniste au CNM

Letter-writing campaign aims to keep Perlitz jailed.

By Michael P. Mayko STAFF WRITER
Updated: 10/13/2009 04:05:52 PM EDT

While Fairfield County residents try to raise money for the nearly $5 million bond imposed on Douglas Perlitz following his arrest last month for allegedly molesting boys at his Haitian charity, a group of Haitian lawyers and an advocate for sexual-assault victims have launched a letter-writing campaign to keep him behind bars.

Perlitz, a Fairfield University graduate presented an honorary degree in 2002 by the school for establishing Project Pierre Toussaint, a program to house, feed and school homeless Haitian boys, was arrested on federal charges Sept. 16 alleging that he sexually abused at least nine of the children during the past decade. He has denied the charges in court and to a federal agent.

On Oct. 19, U.S. Magistrate Judge Joan G. Margolis will consider releasing Perlitz if the approximately $5 million bond is raised, and additional people volunteer to watch him during his release.

But not if Marguerite Laurent, president of the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network, and Paul Kendrick, co-founder of the Maine chapter of Voice of the Faithful, which advocates on behalf of individuals sexually abused by Catholic clergy, have any say about Perlitz' release.

The pair is urging members of their groups to send letters to Margolis, who is considering releasing Perlitz on Oct. 19. Kendrick also wrote William F. Dow III, Perlitz's lawyer, and Philip Allen Lacovara, a New York lawyer who was a board member of the Haiti Fund, which raised money for Project Pierre Toussaint.

"I'm not going to stand by and let Dow throw as much mud against the wall, hoping to kick up a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with this case," said Kendrick, who with
Laurent say they will attend the Oct. 19 hearing at U.S. District Court in New Haven. "I want to know how certain they can be that Doug Perlitz didn't abuse any victims in Haiti and they can guarantee he won't abuse any more in the Fairfield neighborhood where he is allowed to live," he said.

Under the terms of a preliminary release order suggested by Dow last week, Perlitz would be allowed to work in the law office of Thomas Tisdale on Spruce Street in Fairfield and live in the Congress Street home of Anthony and Laura Sirianni. Anthony Sirianni is a retired lawyer who has multiple sclerosis and is confined to a wheelchair.

But if Perlitz is released as expected, Kendrick said he will be distributing "warning leaflets to neighbors about Perlitz' background and dangerous presence in the Fairfield community."
"After all," Kendrick added, "children depend upon the adults in their lives to protect them."

In a letter to Dow, Kendrick wrote, "I am asking you to act as a responsible and accountable member of the community by using your own common sense to help protect children from being sexually abused . You must know that you are gambling with the lives of innocent children. It is not possible for anyone, Mr. Dow, other than his prison guards, to supervise and monitor Perlitz's every move."

"When people bring out the pitchforks and the torches, they infect everybody and cripple the presumption of innocence," Dow responded Tuesday.

The New Haven defense lawyer maintains that sexual-abuse allegations may be the result of a "Hatfield-McCoy" dispute between factions of Haitian boys and supervisors at Project Pierre Toussaint in one of the poorest nations in the world.

"There's no claim of any misconduct by Mr. Perlitz in the United States," Dow said. "Mr. Perlitz is presumed to be innocent. His supporters fervently believe his innocence. He's legendary for a history of good works."

But Kendrick claims that if Perlitz is released on bail, "there is nothing to stop him from using prepaid phone cards or prepaid cell phones to continue his threats and intimidation of his victims in Haiti."

Assistant U.S. Attorney Krishna Patel, who is prosecuting the case, has raised that same concern.
Patel told Margolis last week that Perlitz received 17 phone calls from Haiti on Sept. 15, a day before his arrest in Colorado. She also filed documentation showing Perlitz traveled five times to the Dominican Republic and once to El Salvador as recently as March, supposedly to meet with people formerly associated with his program.

Laurent's letter to Margolis warns the judge that Perlitz's release "will cause greater fear among the victims who were abused as well as allow Perlitz more opportunity to continue his campaigns to stop victims from testifying."

She claims most of the victims are "vulnerable orphans with no parents, no shelter and little or no state protection in Haiti."

Laurent urged other Haitian lawyers in an e-mail to write the judge.

"The children victims have already suffered the unspeakable, now powerful forces and collaborators connected with this case with money and influence may be hunting them down to prevent their testifying," the letter reads.. "Opportunists abound everywhere to influence these small victims."

HLLN letter to the Judge on the Douglas Perlitz case

Ezili Dantò's Note:
Hello folks,

Here is the letter HLLN sent to the Judge on the Douglas Perlitz case.

Please consider using it as a sample letter and sending it to the judge. As you all know by now, arguments pro and con the release on bond pending trial of accused US pedophile Douglas Perlitz will be heard on Oct. 19 at 10 am in New Haven CT. (Help Haiti's children - Demand that accused US pedophile, Doug Perlitz, not be set free on bond)

Ezili HLLN is extremely concerned for the safety of the Haitian victims should Douglas Perlitz be allowed free on bond to continue his campaign of blocking their testimony at his trial. Help the victims by sending a letter to the judge now. The children victims have already suffered the unspeakable, now powerful forces and collaborators connected with this case with money and influence may be hunting them down to prevent their testifying. Remember, these are street children, with no home, mostly without parents and no means whatsoever. Opportunists abound everywhere to influence these small victims. Some action must be taken to assure these children shall be safe and available to testify. Sending a letter to the judge making this decision now, is a small action, but it may help Judge Margolis understand that in this case it is not just a question of allowing bond to secure the appearance of the defendant in Court. The victims in this case will be put in greater fear, in greater danger and this release on bond may even embolden other predators on the scene in Haiti right now, while also allowing further access to Douglas Perlitz and his co-horts to perhaps even disappear these witnesses altogether.

Write now. Be in court on the 19th to stand in solidarity with the poorest and most vulnerable of souls on the planet. Ensure that they are not victimized or made into further targets, once again. Thank you for your help on this. Men anpil chay pa lou - Many Hands Make Light a Heavy Load.

Ezili Dantò
Oct. 12, 2009



Chamber Fax: (203) 773-2304
Clerk Fax: (203) 773-2334

The Honorable Joan G. Margolis, United States Magistrate Judge
141 Church Street
New Haven, Connecticut 06510

October 12, 2009

Dear Honorable Joan G. Margolis,

I am writing to request that you do not release accused pedophile Douglas Perlitz pending trial because of the gravity of the charges - sexually abusing nine of the children he was suppose to be helping in Haiti. The sexual abuse took place for close to ten years. Douglas Perlitz is a danger to children everywhere and there is no guarantee this compulsion that he is accused of is limited to just Haitian children in Haiti. If Douglas Perlitz is released on bond, despite the gravity of these charges, all children in the US communities he is released into may be in imminent danger, including Haitian children living in these US communities.

Court papers disclose that during a conversation with a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent, Douglas Perlitz denied sexually abusing any of the children. He allegedly admitted that "molestation would be tough" and that the Haitian children who were molested "should just get over it ... He said he got over his father's death and even though it was tough he moved on ..." It would be a dereliction of duty to release Douglas Perlitz on bond based on this depraved indifference alone.

What is "tough" right now for the (local, national and international) community affected by this case is that Douglas Perlitz's release is even being contemplated. The Court ought to clearly tell Perlitz to "get over it" and detain him pending trial because he is a danger to the community, a flight risk, and based on the indictment, he has virtually admitted to the molestations. Moreover, if Douglas Perlitz is released on bond, this will cause greater fear among the victims who were abused as well as allow Perlitz more opportunity to continue his campaigns to stop the victims from testifying. Perlitz will have unlimited access via prepaid cell phones to continue to intimidate the victims and the other children, most of whom are already vulnerable orphans with no parents, no shelter and little or no State protection in Haiti. If released, Perlitz may use his mobility, access and connections to disappear his victims and witnesses, put them in greater danger or otherwise prevent them from testifying. Please do not release Douglas Perlitz on bond.


Ezili Dantò/Marguerite Laurent, Esq.
Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network
Phone: (203) 829-7210
P. O. Box 3573
Stamford, CT 06905

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Forwarded by Ezili's Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network
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Bulletin météo du Lundi 12 octobre 2009

Valable jusqu'au 14 octobre 2009

Situation synoptique dans la Caraïbe et sur l'Atlantique:
Un faible creux en surface s'étend des Bahamas traverse la partie Est de Cuba et arrive jusqu'au nord de la Jamaïque. Quelques orages et de la pluie faible restent possibles pour ces régions et les côtes nord d'Haïti ce soir.

Prévisions pour Haïti:
- Passages Nuageux partout ailleurs.
- Passages nuageux en pm pour tous les départements ;
- Températures peu agréables en journée et fraîches en fin de nuit ;
- Possibilité de pluie et d'orages isolés pour le nord, le nord-est, le nord-ouest le centre et le sud-est .

Prévisions pour Port-au-Prince et environs:
· Partiellement nuageux ce matin ;
· Passages nuageux cet après-midi ;
· Tº. max. : 35ºC ; Tº min: 23ºC ;
· Faible Chance de pluie et d'orages ce soir

Lever & coucher du soleil pour Port-au-Prince:
Aujourd'hui 12 oct.
Lever : 05h 42 mn
Coucher : 17h 29 mn

Mardi 13 oct.
Lever : 05h 43 mn
Coucher : 17h 28 mn

Mercredi 14oct.
Lever : 05h 43 mn
Coucher : 17h 27 mn

Esterlin Marcelin, prévisionniste au CNM

Bulletin météo marine lundi 12 octobre 2009
Valable jusqu'au 13octobre 2009

Prévisions maritimes:
Zone côtière nord :

Lundi &mardi
* Vent du secteur est: 10-15 nœuds ;
* Hauteur des vagues : 3 à 5 pieds ;
* Mer peu agitée.

Golfe de la Gonâve :
Lundi &mardi
* Vent du secteur est: 10/15 nœuds ;
* Hauteur des vagues : 3 à 4 pieds ;
* Mer peu agitée.

Zone côtière sud :
Lundi &mardi
* Vent du secteur est : 10/15 nœuds ;
* Hauteur des vagues : 3 à 4 pieds
* Mer peu agitée.

Esterlin Marcelin, Prévisionniste au CNM

dimanche 11 octobre 2009

Bulletin météo du dimanche 11 octobre 2009.

Valable jusqu'au 13 octobre 2009

Situation synoptique dans la Caraïbe et sur l'Atlantique:
Un centre de basse pression constitué par les restes de la perturbation Henri influence les côtes nord d'Haïti. Cette situation est susceptible de provoquer de la pluie et des orages isolés sur la portion nord de l'ile ce soir.

Prévisions pour Haïti:
- Nuageux pour les régions nord et nord-ouest et conditions de beau temps pour le reste du pays.
- Passages nuageux en pm pour tous les départements ;
- Températures peu agréables en journée et fraîches en fin de nuit ;
- Pluie et orages isolés possibles sur certains départements comme le nord et le nord-est ce soir et demain.

Prévisions pour Port-au-Prince et environs:
· Ensoleillé ce matin ;
· Passages nuageux cet après-midi ;
· Tº. max. : 35ºC ; Tº min: 23ºC ;
· Faible Chance de pluie et d'orages ce soir

Lever & coucher du soleil pour Port-au-Prince:
Aujourd'hui 10 oct.
Lever : 05h 42 mn
Coucher : 17h 30 mn

Lundi 11 oct.
Lever : 05h 42 mn
Coucher : 17h 29 mn

Mardi 12 oct.
Lever : 05h 42 mn
Coucher : 17h 29 mn
Esterlin Marcelin, prévisionniste au CNM

Bulletin météo marine du dimanche 11 octobre 2009

Valable jusqu'au 12 octobre 2009

Prévisions maritimes:
Zone côtière nord :
Dimanche & lundi
* Vent du secteur nord-est: 10-15 nœuds ;
* Hauteur des vagues : 3 à 5 pieds ;
* Mer peu agitée.

Golfe de la Gonâve :
Dimanche & lundi
* Vent du secteur est: 15 nœuds ;
* Hauteur des vagues : 3 à 5 pieds ;
* Mer peu agitée.

Zone côtière sud :
Dimanche & lundi
* Vent du secteur est : 15 nœuds ;
* Hauteur des vagues : 3 à 5 pieds aujourd'hui,
* Mer peu agitée.

Esterlin Marcelin, Prévisionniste au CNM

[Merci Zili ] Douglas Perlitz should not be set free on bond - Attend court hearing/write letter to the judge


Help Haiti's children - Demand that accused US pedophile, Doug Perlitz, not be
set free on bond
On October 19, 2009 at 10 a.m., accused US pedophile, Doug Perlitz will face,
in New Haven Connecticut, U.S. Magistrate Judge Joan G. Margolis and either be
released on bond or held pending his trial. (See, Haiti program founder's
release may hinge on higher bond, Connecticut Post, Oct. 8, 2009; Man charged
with Haiti sex abuse pleads not guilty By JOHN CHRISTOFFERSEN (AP); and School
Founder Arraigned In Abuse Charges,, Founder Of Haitian School Is
Accused Of Sexually Abusing Nine Former Students.

We urge all who are in the East Coast of the US to be in that court room to
support the case of the children of Haiti who are being so maligned by
Perlitz's many supporters. Haiti is under occupation with a weak puppet
government concerned with pleasing foreigners, not protecting Haitian rights
and domestic development. These Haitian children have no voice, unless we stand
up for them. (UN Peacekeepers and Humanitarian Aid Workers raping, molesting
and abusing Haitian children

Recently, I spoke to an audience about the raping and molesting of Haiti's
children and women, and in particular about the Doug Perlitz case, where one
white man stood up and said that Haiti was such a "hellhole," its children
getting sodomized is not such a sin, if Doug Perlitz the pedophile was also
providing them with food and schooling! This is the attitude of Doug Perlitz's
supporters in the United States. Please show up in court on October 19 at
10.a.m. if you're in the East Coast of the US and stand for these Haitian
children, who have no Haitian government or Haitian institutions that will
support their human rights, their innocence, their childhood, their right not
to be violated by sex tourists and fake charity workers and UN "peacekeepers."

This is insupportable. Lend a hand in the case of Douglas Perlitz.

You may view a copy of the federal indictment here - Here's are some relevant
points in the Douglas Perlitz case:

"1. Between 2002 and 2008, more than $2 million was transferred from the Haiti
Fund to an account Douglas Perlitz controlled in Haiti.

"These monies did not include other significant capital expenses and other
expenses that were directly paid by the Haiti Fund for Project Pierre
Toussaint," Assistant U.S. Attorney Krishna Patel said in court papers.
"Perlitz had access to an enormous sum of money ... and thus far there does not
appear to be an accurate accounting of what happened to these monies."

The Haiti investigation into Douglas Perlitz began in 2007. Western Union
records confirm that from 2008 through 2009, "Perlitz was sending money" to
individuals in Haiti formerly enrolled in his program.

2. According to the federal indictment, in order to entice and persuade the
children to comply with sex acts, Douglas Perlitz provided the promise of food
and shelter and provided monetary and other benefits, including but not limited
to, U.S. and foreign currency, cellphones, other electronics, shoes, clothes
and other items.

Perlitz is accused of grooming the orphaned and desperately hungry street
children for sexual acts, exposing them to homosexual pornography and plying
them with alcoholic beverages in an effort to persuade them to spend the night
in his private residence. According to the
indictment, Perlitz told children not to be ashamed during sex acts; other
times, he told them he was "crazy."

3. If minors refused to engage in sex acts, Douglas Perlitz would at times
withhold necessities, such as bed linen or threaten to expel them from the

4 . After allegations of almost 10-year long misconduct of sexual abuse by
Perlitz surfaced in 2007, Perlitz tried to block the investigation using his
relationship with a religious leader who had influence with Board Members of
the Haiti Fund to continue to conceal and attempt to conceal his illegal sexual
conduct, the indictment says.

5. According to court papers: "The prosecutor also charged that beginning in
July 2008 and continuing until March, Perlitz traveled to the Dominican
Republic to meet with some of the children and adults associated with his
program, shuttered recently because of lack of funds. On the night before
Perlitz's Sept. 16 arrest in Colorado, Patel said he admitted receiving 17
calls from Haiti."

6. The Haitian national police department, which began investigating Perlitz's
activities in 2007, has a warrant for his arrest.

7. Also according to US court papers: During a conversation with a U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent, Douglas Perlitz denied sexually
abusing any of the children. But he allegedly said "molestation would be tough"
and that the small victims "should just GET OVER IT ... He said he got over his
father's death and even though it was tough he moved on ..." (See also, Haiti
program founder's release may hinge on higher bond, Connecticut Post, Oct. 8,

What to do:
1. Attend the Court Hearings - Contact Ezili's HLLN [] if
you or your organization wishes to put together a bus load or groups of
concerned citizens to attend the Oct. 19th or any of the other New Haven, CT,
court hearings for accused US pedophile, Douglas Perlitz.

2. Contact - Write or fax a letter to the presiding judge -
The Honorable Joan G. Margolis, United States Magistrate Judge
141 Church Street
New Haven, Connecticut 06510

Chambers Tele: (203) 773-2350 -- Fax: (203) 773-2304
Clerk's Office Tele: (203) 773-2140 -- Fax: (203) 773-2334

...and ask that "accused pedophile, Douglas Perlitz, not be granted bond
because of the gravity of the charges - sexually abusing nine of the children
he was helping in Haiti for close to ten years. Accused pedophile, Douglas
Perlitz, is a danger to children everywhere and there is no guarantee this
compulsion that he is accused of is limited to just Haitian children in Haiti.
If Douglas Perlitz is released on bond, despite the gravity of these charges,
all children in the US communities he is released into may be in imminent
danger, including Haitian children living in these US communities.

Court papers disclose that during a conversation with a U.S. Immigration and
Customs Enforcement agent, Douglas Perlitz denied sexually abusing any of the
children. But he allegedly admitted "molestation would be tough" and that the
Haitian children who were molested "should just get over it ... He said he got
over his father's death and even though it was tough he moved on ..."

It would be a dereliction of duty to release Douglas Perlitz on bond based on
this depraved indifference alone. What is tough right now for the community is
that Douglas Perlitz's release is even being contemplated. The Court ought to
clearly tell Perlitz to "get over it" and detain him pending trial because he
is a danger to the community, a flight risk, and based on the indictment, he
has virtually admitted to molestation."

See also:
108 sri lankan troops accused of sexual abuse in haiti UN

Peacekeepers 'abusing children' in Haiti - 27 Sep 08

UN Peacekeepers and Humanitarian Aid Workers raping, molesting and abusing
Haitian children

Child Abuse/Molestation by white tourists in Kenya

Video Report: Child Abuse by Humanitarian Workers

Paradise for Pedophiles - Senegal
Ezili Dantò
Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network ("HLLN")
October 10, 2009

samedi 10 octobre 2009

Bilten Meteyo Samdi 10 Oktòb 09.


Pou rive jouk 12 Oktòb 09




  • Yon zòn move tan (Ba presyon) chita nan Nò Repiblik Sendomeng li melanje ak yon ond tropikal mitan ond sa rive jouk nan sid Pòtoriko. Sitiyasyon sa kapab bay lapli ak kèk kout loraj pasipala sou lil la aswè a ak demen.



  - Gen bon tan maten an;

  -  Ap gen nyaj k'ap pase nan syèl  tanzantan nan aprè midi;

  - Tanperati a ap yon ti jan pi bon nan aswè;

  - Li posib pou gen lapli ak kout loraj sou kèk depatman ak nan zòn fwontyè yo aswè ak demen.




      -    Tan an gen solèy maten an;

      -    Ap gen nyaj k'ap pase nan syèl la aprè midi a;

      -    Pi wo tanperati a ap rive pou jodia se 35°C , pi ba l'ap desan'n se 23°C;

-    Gen  chans pou gen  lapli pasipala ak kout loraj aswè a.


Leve ak kouche solèy pou pòtoprens


Jodia             10 Oktòb                  leve  :  05 è 42 mn          kouche:  17 è 30 mn

Dimanch        11 Oktòb                  leve :   05 è 42 mn          kouche : 17 è 29 mn

Lendi             12 Oktòb                  leve :   05 è 42 mn          kouche : 17 è 29 mn      



Previzyon pou Lanmè a


       Samdi 10 Oktòb  pou rive 11 Oktòb 09



Zòn kotyè Nò

 Samdi & Dimanch

v     Van an ap soufle nan sektè Nòdès: 10 - 15 ne;

v      Vag yo ap monte 3-5  pye ;

v     Lanmè a yon ti jan ajite.


Gòlf Lagonav

 Samdi & Dimanch

v     Van an ap soufle nan sektè Nòdès - Lès:15 - 20 ne ;

v     Vag yo ap monte : 4-7 pye;

v     Lanmè a yon ti jan ajite.


Zòn kotyè Sid

 Samdi & Dimanch

v     Van an ap soufle nan sektè Nòdès -Lès: 15 - 20 ne ;

v      Vag yo ap monte : 4-7 pye jodia;

v     Lanmè a  yon ti jan ajite.

Perlitz arraigned

Perlitz arraigned

Perlitz arraigned

Douglas Perlitz '92 appeared in court for the first time on Thursday to be arraigned on 10 counts involving sexually abusing children in Haiti.
In front of a packed courtroom at the Richard C. Lee Federal Courthouse in New Haven,  Perlitz, dressed in prison khakis, stood with his hands clasped behind his back and leaned forward to plead not guilty to seven charges of traveling overseas to engage in sexual conduct with minors and three charges of engaging in illegal sexual conduct with minors. Each charge carries a maximum 30-year prison term and a $250,000 fine.


Assistant U.S. Attorney Krishna Patel argued that Perlitz was a flight risk, a danger to the community, and needed to be detained until his trial.. William F. Dow III, Perlitz's attorney, responded by saying that Perlitz has no criminal record, except for a DUI this year in Colorado.
Dow also put together a package to try to secure Perlitz's release. Perlitz's mother offered to put up two houses, his brother another one and his uncle a fourth house for a total worth of 1.9-2.3 million dollars. Dow also argued that Perlitz's community was 2,000 miles away in Haiti, so therefore Perlitz was no danger to the Fairfield community. Dow also said that the government has no tangible evidence and that this is a "credibility case."
He painted a picture of Project Pierre Tousaint turning into a "Hatfield-McCoy situation" in which the group split over the allegations against Perlitz. He also noted that the Haitian National Police interrogated the boys, and according to a U.S. government study, the HNP is underfunded, under-trained and unreliable.
Dow also proposed that Perlitz be released to a third party custodian. Anthony and Mary Sirianni of Fairfield have offered to house Perlitz and monitor him if he should be released before his trial. He also proposed that Thomas Tisdale '78, a Southport lawyer and former board member of the Haiti Fund, could hire Perlitz on a limited basis until his trial. He finally argued that housing Perlitz in Rhode Island until his trial would interfere with his 6th Amendment right to counsel because contact with his attorneys would be limited at such a far distance.
An officer for the U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services System also recommended Perlitz be released. He thought the financial package was sufficient and that while "it isn't a perfect system, but it's the most reliable and the risk can be minimized."
Patel had numerous problems with this proposal for Perlitz's release. She wanted to make sure that Perlitz has no contact with potential witnesses or anyone involved in the trial, including all board members, some of whom "engaged in conduct of a very disturbing nature," according to Patel.
At the hearing, Patel also questioned Mary Sirianni, the woman who offered to house Perlitz should he be released. Sirianni is a registered nurse while her husband, Anthony, is a wheelchair-bound retired lawyer with multiple sclerosis. Sirianni said she is receiving no compensation for offering to house Perlitz and that she and her husband were looking for a way to give back to the community. She admitted that she knew the Tisdales, who support Perlitz's innocence, and that she met Perlitz once for 10 minutes at a birthday party. She also said that she had spoken to Fr.. Paul Carrier, S.J. multiple times.
After an hour and twenty minutes of debate, U.S. Magistrate Judge Joan G. Margolis continued the hearing to Oct. 19 at 10 a.m. She also indicated that it is likely Perlitz will be released on bail, but with substantially more money involved, most likely between $4-5 million. She also wants more third-party custodians. The government will question all third-party individuals as well to ensure they have no connection to the Haiti Fund.
Jury selection for the trial is scheduled for Dec. 2.


Jesuits break silence

Since a Bridgeport jury returned an indictment for Doug Perlitz '92 on Sept. 15, questions have arisen about the role of Carrier, the former director of campus ministry. The indictment refers to "a religious leader, who had met and befriended Perlitz while Perlitz attended college in Connecticut and who frequently communicated with and visited Perlitz in Haiti." This religious leader chose the board members of the Haiti Fund, which operated as the fund-raising arm of the charity and raised large sums of money.

"The Society has been in direct contact with the U.S. Attorney's office and has informed that office of Father Carrier's whereabouts," the Society of Jesus said in an e-mail sent to the Connecticut Post by Kelly Lynch, a spokesman for the Jesuits.. "The Society is cooperating fully with law enforcement in the investigation."
Lynch also said that Carrier "currently has no assignment and is not performing any public ministry."
When questioning Siranni, Patel asked if she knew Carrier, and during an objection, Dow said that "the government is extremely interested in him." The U.S. Attorneys office would only say that the investigation is ongoing and they could not comment.

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[De Cyrus ]Deces du pere de Jean-Audan Catel

Audan est en deuil. Son père est parti. Ce respectueux notable de la commune de Ranquitte souffrait énormément ces derniers jours. J'ai eu le privilège de rencontrer son fils Audan à plusieurs reprises dans la ville du Cap-Haitien remplissant ses devoirs au chevet de son père. Même quand il réside en France, il n'a pas manqué à ses devoirs. En moins d'un an, il a fait le long et couteux trajet Paris-Cap-Haïtien à plusieurs reprises. Au mois de juin, quelques jours avant le 2e tour des élections sénatoriales, je l'ai vu à la rue 21 avec sa famille. Tout le monde venait de rendre visite à ''Grand Papa''. La dernière, sans doute. Audan savait que son père allait traverser de l'autre coté du pont. Toutefois, il voulait s'acquitter avec courage de ses obligations de fils. Une tache difficile quand femme, enfants et Papa résident des deux cotes de l'Atlantique, soit à plus de 10 heures de temps de vol.


Je présente mes condoléances à Audan et à toute la famille Cartel. C'est dur de perdre un être cher, même quand on est conscient que le départ est pour lui une délivrance. C'est la vie ! C'est une dure réalité que nous devons tous affronter!


Cyru Sibert


Letter to Perlitz's support [From US Civil society]

--- En date de : Sam 10.10.09, Paul Kendrick <> a écrit :

De: Paul Kendrick <>
Objet: Philip Allen Lacovara
À: "" <>
Date: Samedi 10 Octobre 2009, 21h32


> October 11, 2009
> Philip Allen Lacovara
> Attorney at Law
> Mayer Brown
> New York, NY
> Dear Mr. Lacovara,
> In September 2008, you and twelve other people (including your wife, Madeline) signed a letter in
> which you argued that allegations of child sex abuse against Douglas Perlitz are false.
> Perlitz is the co-founder of Project Pierre Toussaint in Haiti.
> Three weeks ago, Perlitz was arrested by U.S. Marshalls in Colorado.
> As you know, there is also a warrant for Perlitz's arrest in Haiti for child sex abuse.
> In addition, Perlitz has been indicted  by a U.S. federal grand jury for nine counts of child sex abuse..
> Four investigative agencies, including the U.S. State Department and Homeland Security have compiled evidence of child sex abuse against Perlitz.
> Perlitz is currently attempting to be released on bond pending his trial. Perlitz's attorney is arguing that many people support Perlitz and believe in his innocence.
> You are one of those people, Mr. Lacovara. It is obvious that you don't believe one word of the victims' statements. It seems that you have evidence supporting Perlitz's innocence; evidence that none of the  investigative agencies know about. As such, you are willing to place Perlitz back on the streets of Fairfield, Connecticut.
> I suppose it's easier to put kids at risk when they're not your own. An ankle bracelet won't prevent a child molester from abusing again. An ankle bracelet won't prevent Perlitz from using prepaid cell phones to continue to threaten and intimidate his victims in Haiti.
> If you are willing to risk the lives of innocent children, Mr. Lacovara (you signed the letter defending Perlitz's innocence), then what is it that you know that we can tell parents in Fairfield and the children in Haiti to reassure them that no harm will come to them while Perlitz is free on
> bail?
> I look forward to your response.
> Sincerely,
> Paul Kendrick
> Freeport, Maine
> 207 838 1319

Copy of letter to Perlitz's attorney.[From US Civil society]

--- En date de : Sam 10.10.09, Paul Kendrick <> a écrit :

De: Paul Kendrick <>
Objet: Fwd: We will warn neighbors
À: "Reseau Citadelle - Cyrus Sibert" <>
Date: Samedi 10 Octobre 2009, 4h28

Copy of letter to Perlitz's attorney.

Begin forwarded message:
From: Paul Kendrick <>
Date: October 9, 2009 22:11:44 EDT
To: "" <>
Subject: Fwd: We will warn neighbors

Copy of letter to Attorney, William Dow 

Begin forwarded message:

From: Paul Kendrick <>
Date: October 9, 2009 17:35:24 EDT
To: "" <>
Subject: We will warn neighbors
October 9, 2009
William F. Dow III
Attorney at Law
Jacobs, Grudberg, Belt, Dow & Katz  
350 Orange Street
New Haven, Connecticut 06511

Dear Mr. Dow,
My name is Paul Kendrick. I am a long time advocate for those who were abused by Catholic priests, religious and Catholic Church workers.
In addition, I am an alumnus of Fairfield University and have traveled to Haiti on several occasions. I had lunch with Doug  Perlitz several  years ago in Haiti and have visited Project Pierre Toussaint.
I want you to know how disturbed I am by your recent comments. I am certain that, as a zealous advocate for your client, you feel obligated to pursue every legal technicality and loophole there is. But instead, I am asking you to act as a responsible and accountable member of the community by using your own common sense to help protect children from being sexually abused.
First of all, moms and dads everywhere, including yourself, want to protect their children from child molesters. Parents are not interested in the half measures you are proposing on behalf of your client. You want to place Doug Perlitz, a man who is wanted by the Haitian National Police and has been indicted by a U.S. federal grand jury for felony child sex abuse, back on the streets of Fairfield, Connecticut (an electric monitor and chaperones won't deter any child molester). 
You must know that you are gambling with the lives of innocent children. It is not possible for anyone, Mr. Dow, other than his prison guards, to supervise and monitor Perlitz's every move. Child molesters are cunning, manipulative and charismatic. If Perlitz is released on bail, there is nothing to stop him from using prepaid phone cards or prepaid cell phones to continue his threats and intimidation of his victims in Haiti.
As advocates for the protection of children, we will be there to warn neighbors if Perlitz is ultimately released on bond. As a parent with children, can you imagine finding out that the man who just moved in with the elderly couple next door is not only wanted by the Haitian National Police for child sex abuse, but has been indicted by a federal grand jury for the same crime as a result of investigations conducted by four agencies, including the U.S. State Department and Homeland Security?
If you and Perlitz get your way, Mr. Dow, we will distribute warning leaflets to neighbors about Perlitz's background and dangerous presence in the Fairfield community.
After all, children depend upon the adults in their lives to protect them
Kids have rights too.
Paul T. Kendrick
Freeport, Maine