mardi 12 juin 2012

Du 13 au 17 juin 2012, Réseau Citadelle – Cyrus Sibert sera à Boston Massachusetts dans le Cadre de la Conférence Annuelle des Journalistes Enquêteurs. Objectif: Conscientiser les journalistes enquêteurs de l'IRE (Investigative Reporters and Editors) sur la problématique de la pédophilie en Haïti. Le texte suivant sera distribué en ce sens.

My name is Cyrus Sibert.
I am a Haitian journalist who exposed the first cases of pedophilia that led to the investigation and prosecution by U.S. law enforcement authorities of Douglas Perlitz, a U.S. citizen who was sexually abusing Haitian children at a school in Cap-Haitian, Haiti.

Because of the expanded PROTECT ACT, Pertlitz was convicted of child sexual abuse in U.S. Federal Court and is now serving a sentence of 19 years and 7 months in a federal prison in Texas. 
My investigation led me to discover that there are complex networks of pedophiles in Haiti who use Churches and NGOs to exploit poor children in their orphanages, canteens and other community activities.

These pedophiles are very powerful, have large amounts of money that is used to manipulate the police, judicial and local authorities. Child victims are left to fend for themselves. And when the child sex offender is part of a group sponsored by a religious organization, the abuse victims will face enormous adversity and pressure from the organization. The church group will defend and protect the child abuser at all costs. They will call the victims liars. They will try to silence the victims. They will threaten the victims with the closing of the project. They will reject and abandon the victims to protect the abuser.

A member of IRE since 2010, I decided to attend this convention in the hopes of enlightening my fellow reporters about the harsh realities of child sexual abuse in Haiti.

For the past five years, I have witnessed firsthand the the firepower of the work of investigative journalist. I am convinced that if there are many more journalists to investigate these situations in poor countries, there will be increased pressure on the pedophiles who travel for the purpose of engaging in sex with children.

This pressure will force the heads of NGOs and evangelical missions to adopt prevention measures to protect children.

Preventive measures include the implementation of thorough background checks before hiring someone, the establishment of child protection policies and codes of conduct.

I wanted to draw your attention to this reality. 
Victims of sexual abuse are wounded deep in their souls. The psychological impact caused by child abuse is incalculable. 
Cell: 321-914-2743 
"La vraie reconstruction d'Haïti passe par des réformes en profondeur des structures de l'État pour restaurer la confiance, encourager les investisseurs et mettre le peuple au travail. Il faut finir avec cette approche d'un État paternaliste qui tout en refusant de créer le cadre approprié pour le développement des entreprises mendie des millions sur la scène internationale en exhibant la misère du peuple." Cyrus Sibert
Reconstruction d'Haïti : A quand les Réformes structurelles?
Haïti : La continuité du système colonial d'exploitation  prend la forme de monopole au 21e Siècle.

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