mercredi 5 janvier 2011

Senior Order of Malta official blocks his ears to cries of Haitian childsex abuse victims

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From: Paul Kendrick <>
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2011 23:01:31 -0500
To: <>; <>
Subject: Senior Order of Malta official blocks his ears to cries of Haitian child sex abuse victims

He's ignoring the children who were abused, but he's the 
Superintendent of Schools in the Diocese of Norwich (CT)

January 5, 2011

John F. Shine, PhD
The Board of Councillors
Order of Malta, American Association, U.S.A.
New York, NY
Dear Dr. Shine,
I received your email this morning asking me to stop sending you any more email messages about the situation surrounding the sexual abuse of children at Project Pierre Toussaint in Cap Haitian, Haiti.
I didn't recognize your name at first, but then realized that you are a member of the Board of Councillors of the American Association of Malta. As I understand it, that means you are a member of Malta's U.S. Board of Directors.
You could have simply deleted my recent messages but, instead, it appears that you want me to know that you, Malta leader, John F. Shine, PhD, do not want to hear one more word about six prominent Order of Malta members who destroyed Malta sponsored, Project Pierre Toussaint (PPT).
Here are some facts. When, in Spring 2008, credible and substantiated allegations of child sex abuse were brought against former PPT director, Douglas Perlitz, six Order of Malta members, Hope Carter, Jeanie and Tom Tisdale, Madeline and Phillip Lacovara and Rev. Paul Carrier, S.J., paid no attention to the evidence, called the victims "liars," wrote a letter to donors disparaging the board's decision to fire Perlitz, which then caused the school to close and, listen to this, Dr. Shine, these six upstanding Malta members simply walked away from these hungry, homeless, street children as if the boys never existed.
Please, don't delete this message yet, Dr. Shine. There is more.  
During the next two plus years, even as the evidence against Perlitz mounted and even when he was indicted by a federal grand jury and even when he was arrested and incarcerated without bail, these six Malta members continued to defend this child molester's innocence at all costs and did nothing, absoliutely nothing, to help feed, clothe or shelter any of the former students.
Why? Because the boys were accusing Perlitz of raping, sodomizing, threatening and intimidating them.
How sad it is that, at a time when the boys most needed comfort, support, love and understanding, these six Malta members were nowhere to be found and quite frankly, it seems they could have cared less.
And now, you, Dr. Shine, are saying loud and clear that you could care less too.
Part II
I was shocked, Dr. Shine, to learn that, in addition to your leadership role with the Order of Malta, you are employed as the Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Norwich (CT). As such, you are entrusted with the safety, care and well being of 5,400 students who attend 25 diocese schools.
 Millions of Catholics have added additional insult to those who were abused by their failure to stand up and demand redress for the crimes committed against children and the cover up of these crimes by bishops, priests and church officials.

I can only hope, Dr. Shine, that you will choose to fully engage yourself in the innocent suffering of the boys who were abused and begin to raise your voice in opposition to the injustices they have been forced to endure.
Ad Majorem Gloriam.
Paul Kendrick
Freeport, Maine
207 838 1319
Editor's Note –Fairfield Mirror - This is a five part series of diary entries written by Fairfield University alumnus Paul Kendrick '72, who spent the week of January 10th through January 16th 2010 in Haiti.

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