mardi 8 février 2011

Haiti Pedophil : Paul Kendrick's letter to Father John Unni, a board member of the North Carolina non profit that operates Geilenfeld's St. Joseph Homes.

Father John Unni is a board member of the North Carolina non profit that operates Geilenfeld's  St. Joseph Homes.

Chances are he will not agree to meet with me, but it's important to get his refusal on the record.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Paul Kendrick <>
Date: February 4, 2011 9:58:02 PM EST
To: "" <>
Subject: I'd like to schedule a meeting with you

February 4, 2011

Rev. John Unni
St. Cecelia's Church
Boston, MA

Dear Rev. Unni,

By way of introduction, I am a long time advocate for victims of clergy sex abuse.

Although I am no longer a member, I helped co-found Voice of the Faithful in Maine.

Most recently, I and other advocates have been involved in helping 20 child sex abuse victims who were abused while attending school at Project Pierre Touissaint in Cap Haitian, Haiti.

Due to the publicity surrounding this case, we have received a substantial amount of documents and testimony alleging that St. Joseph's Homes' Executive Director, Michael Geilenfeld, is sexually abusing some of the children he is caring for and has abused dozens of other children over the years.

My research indicates that child sex abuse allegations have surfaced many times against Geilenfeld during the past 25 years.

Perhaps, it's way past time for you and other "Hearts with Haiti" board members to take a hard look at the operation you are supporting to ensure that children are safe and protected.

I hope you will agree to meet with me to further discuss this important issue. I am glad to travel to Boston.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Paul Kendrick
Freeport, Maine
207 838 1319 (cell)


"La vraie reconstruction d'Haïti passe par des réformes en profondeur des structures de l'État pour restaurer la confiance, encourager les investisseurs et mettre le peuple au travail. Il faut finir avec cette approche d'un État paternaliste qui tout en refusant de créer le cadre approprié pour le développement des entreprises mendie des millions sur la scène internationale en exhibant la misère du peuple." Cyrus Sibert
Reconstruction d'Haïti : A quand les Réformes structurelles?
Haïti : La continuité du système colonial d'exploitation  prend la forme de monopole au 21e Siècle.

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