samedi 19 mars 2011

I am voting (again) for Michel Martelly!

I am voting (again) for Michel Martelly!

By Jean H Charles

I have predicted in a previous column that the final round in the Haitian election will be between the two Ms: Michel Martelly and Mirlande Manigat. (Review Caribbean news now, November 21th 2010 I am voting for Michel Martelly).
I have predicted also the Haitian government supported by and with the connivance of a sector of the international community will try to disrupt the proceedings to manipulate the outcome.

The acquisitions of the Haitian and of the universal democratic process are so strong that corrections have been made to rectify the results of the election to suit my prediction.

I am voting again for Michel Martelly in the final proceedings of Sunday, March 20 2011.

Based on conversation with and observation of the electorate on the ground, I am predicting Michel Martelly will be the winner of the election.

My conviction has been validated, when a week before the balloting a poor young man living in Port au Prince told me he has been saving his meager salary to go back home to Cap-Haitian where his electorate card was registered so he can vote for Michel Martelly.

I belong to the small intellectual elite of the Haitian Diaspora and or home grown who should rout out for Mirlande Manigat.

With a doctorate from or enough credits for one, from Sorbonne France, Mirlande Manigat belongs to the cosmopolitan Haitian pack who can teach in or are the students of the best universities of the Western world.
She is proud of her knowledge of and experience about constitutional law. She called herself or she is being referred as a constitutionalist.

By contrast, Michel Martelly has no college degree; he has completed his Baccalaureate in Haiti, has attended courses in community colleges in the United States and has spent a life as a bad boy leading a very popular band throughout the Caribbean community named Sweet Micky.

Yet I have chosen to cross the railroad yard and join the Haitian electorate in plebiscite Michel Martelly as the next president of Haiti. The choice is visceral as well as cerebral.

I am as Michel Martelly angry at the state of state of the Republic of Haiti. A country rich in cultural values, historical significance, abundant scenic vista, and a young, resilient and creative population, Haiti should shine in the Caribbean basin as it did during the three hundred years of the colonial era.
"Ne doutez jamais qu'un petit nombre de citoyens volontaires et réfléchis peut changer le monde. En fait, cela se passe toujours ainsi"
Margaret Mead (1901-1978)

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