samedi 8 janvier 2011

Colin Granderson, executioner and undertaker of Haitian democracy./ Colin Granderson, bourreau et fossoyeur de la d mocratie ha tienne. / Cyrus Sibert

Colin Granderson, executioner and undertaker of Haitian democracy.

The name of some diplomats makes one shudder. And, shuddering I was, indeed, as a huge part of my reaction to hearing that Colin Granderson would lead a mission to observe the elections in Haiti.

Known by Haitian public opinion for his unwavering support for the dictators who rule Haiti, the man does not enjoy a good press in our country. He is despised in our nation for his lack of reserve in courting the politically powerful without regard for their abusive behavior against the citizens of their own nation. History has shown Mr. Granderson to have earned an unflattering membership in the infamous roster of those Caribbean black men who have managed to miss a golden and reasonable opportunity to elevate their political action to great statesmanship.

I can't help but wonder why this man is still being dispatched on any mission to Haiti.

The diplomat seemingly cultivates a type of procedural democracy, a front void of substantive meaning or consequence, other than his repugnant partisanship that openly favors the abusive dictators of Haiti. Along wih other agents of CARICOM, Granderson has helped cripple the development of Haitian democracy. Such men and women are always at hand to assist the political predators of Haiti whose bad governance has caused great damage to the cause of freedom and democracy in their country and in our region. As petty personalities they never had the courage demonstrated by Ambassador Orlando Marville, for example, to denounce abuses and violations of basic human rights committed by the successive Lavalas governments, which include the lackluster and perverse government of President Rene Preval. On their eyes, former President Aristide had built up his armed gangs that launched his so-called Zero Tolerance campaign, which, in reality, was a fishing expedition aimed at lynching political opponents under the pretext of his government's battle against insecurity.

These pseudo black-brothers-but-pragmatic opportunists who nurture an immorality worthy of the pirates who roamed the seas around their islands in the 16th century, have no compassion for the Haitian people's struggle to modernize the State of Haiti through a democratic system representative government that respects human rights, and offers opportunities for economic and social progress. These so-called Caribbean brothers are all complicit in the abuses and atrocities committed in Haiti during the past 20 years. These Caribbean nations – that remind us of the cannibalistic behavior of Caribbean-Indians who hunted other brotherly tribes – keep sending emissaries in Haiti to carry out their dirty work of consolidation of a predatory and criminal narco-state, from which they continue to make a fortune as low level diplomats easily swayed by the high level of government corruption for which they helped make Haiti infamous.

These so-called brothers of the Caribbean have dishonored their mission and the people they claim to represent, by spending millions of their taxpayers'money in pursuit of obscure and undoubtedly absurd goals that, at the end of the day, appear to serve their own personal interests or professional careers. In a most callous manner, they use the institutional frameworks at their disposal for their professional work, in search of opportunities for personal gain, ready to accept anything to keep their privileges.

Under their leadership, CARICOM and the OAS have become clubs of businessmen that cannot compete with other regional organizations on the planet in conducting the important affairs of member states. For, now in the early 21st century, the inspiring model comes from Africa - with stately management of the electoral crisis in Ivory Coast, and from Asia - where regional organizations have assume some leadership based on universal principles, values and regional interests. These organizations go far beyond the OAS and CARICOM, two mafia-like cartels dominated by corruption at the expense of universal values based on the freedoms and the development of the human person.

The cynicism of these men makes people feel sick in their stomach. t. When, as a Caribbean black man, your name is Colin Granderson, you are presumed to have enough historical perspective to steer your work toward the defense of the poor and the abused, rather than providing a gutless and shameful endorsement of abusive political powers. Like blacks in the plantations used to mistreat their fellow slaves from Africa, Colin Granderson is the executioner of Haitians, a destroyer of our democratic project. His very presence reassures and encourages dictators to go on with their anti-democratic maneuvers against their own people. Groups that dominate the monopoly of state power, stamped by persistent neo-feudalism,see him as an ally for maintaining the status quo ante.

Haitian politicians and representatives of organized civil society in Haiti, must also have the courage to request that unscrupulous individuals like Colin Granderson be declared "persona non grata", and refuse to sit with them and talk with them for fear of being ratted on by such influence seeking international power peddler.

Cyrus Sibert, Cap-Haitien, Haiti


Colin Granderson, bourreau et fossoyeur de la démocratie haïtienne.

Il y a des noms de diplomates qui font frémir. Telle était ma réaction en apprenant que Colin Granderson allait diriger une mission d'observation des élections en Haiti.

Cet homme connu dans l'opinion publique haïtienne pour ses accommodements tropicaux n'a pas une bonne presse dans le pays. Il est connu comme un mauvais coucheur toujours au coté du pouvoir en place. Ces hommes, originaires de la caraïbe noire, ont toujours laissé passer l'occasion de se montrer Grand.

Je me demande pourquoi on continue d'envoyer cet homme en mission en Haiti.

Ce diplomate de culture bannière fait de la démocratie procédurale (de façade) une fin. Avec d'autres agents du CARICOM, Granderson a contribué a paralyser le développement de la démocratie haïtienne. Ils sont toujours au coté du pouvoir d'Etat prédateur haïtien. En bons partisans, ils n'ont jamais eu le courage d'Orlando Marville pour dénoncer les abus et violations des droits les plus élémentaires commis par les pouvoirs Lavalas. Sous leurs yeux Aristide avaient construit ses gangs, lancé sa campagne Zéro tolérance qui consistait a lyncher les opposants politiques sous prétexte de lutte contre l'insécurité.

Ces frères-black-opportunistes avec leur morale pragmatique digne des pirates n'ont aucune compassion pour ce peuple qui lutte dans le but de moderniser l'Etat haïtien a travers un système démocratique respectueux des droits fondamentaux. Ils sont complices de tous les abus commis dans ce pays durant ces 20 dernières années. Ces caraïbeens - qui en fait nous rappellent les indiens Caraibes anthropophages qui chassaient d'autres frères indiens - arrivent en Haiti pour exécuter leur sale boulot de consolidation d'un Etat prédateur, criminel et narcotique, a partir duquel ils font fortune en qualité de diplomate de bas étages.

Ces sois-disant frères de la Caraibe trouvent toujours des millions pour mener des missions de "cautionnement de l'absurde". Ils ont a leur disposition des cadres, a la recherche d'opportunités, prêts a tout accepter pour conserver leurs privilèges.

Sous leur leadership, la CARICOM et l'OEA sont devenues des boites d'affairistes incapables de rivaliser avec d'autres organisations régionales de la planète. Car, en ce début du 21e siècle, l'exemple vient d'Afrique - avec la gestion de la crise électorale Ivoirienne et de l'Asie - où des organisations régionales assument un leadership certain, basé sur des principes universels, des valeurs et des intérêts régionaux. Ces organisations dépassent de loin l'OEA et la CARICOM, deux Cartels mafieux dominés par la corruption au détriment des valeurs universelles basées sur le développement de la personne humaine.

Le cynisme de ces hommes donne envie de vomir. Quand on s'appelle Colin Granderson, on ne peut que cautionner les statu quo au détriment des pauvres. Comme les noirs utilisés dans les plantations pour maltraiter les esclaves venus d'Afrique, Colin Granderson est le bourreau des haïtiens, un fossoyeur de notre projet démocratie. Sa seule présence rassure les dictateurs et les encourage a aller jusqu'au dans leurs manoeuvres antidémocratiques. Les groupes monopolistiques qui dominent le pouvoir d'Etat neoféodal voient en lui un allié pour le maintient du statu quo ante.

La classe politique haïtienne et les représentants de la société civile organisée doivent aussi avoir le courage de déclarer ces affairistes "persona non grata", c'est-a-dire refuser de s'asseoir avec eux, donc de tomber dans leur piège.

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