vendredi 18 septembre 2009

Cyrus Sibert To Ezili Danto with love \ Haiti: Enfants Et Abus Sexuels

 I was really touched by your message.
I hope you realise that we have more in commun than petty issues that keep us apart.
Child abuse is basically an egregious human right violation.  More than ever we should  unite around our comitment to uphold human values over just over some elusive political goals. It is comforting to notice that you have risen up to the occasion. This not a matter of black or white it is a human question.
Peace and love.
Sibert Cyrus 
Cap-Haitien, Haiti
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--- En date de : Sam 19.9.09, zili danto <> a écrit :

De: zili danto <>
Objet: [Forum culturel] To Cyrus Sibert \ Haiti: Enfants Et Abus Sexuels
À:, "Reseau Citadelle - Cyrus Sibert" <>
Date: Samedi 19 Septembre 2009, 0h08

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Mr. Cyrus Sibert,

I make a quick moment to thank you for your role in exposing the abuse of our children by the white charity worker and pedophile Douglas Perlitz. Some of Ezili's HLLN work is not public but your email a few years ago on a pedophile in cap Haitian did not go unnotice. One down, countless more to go...

Men anpil chay pa lou.

Ezili Danto/HLLN

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